Introduction "Agila and it's People"

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Agila, land of peace yet reside's the most fearsome warriors! The Bulan, Nivla, Tambal and Guna Clans and the most powerful individual Archon Kandre, known as "The King of Beast"! He alone can wreck 10 thousand soldiers... as known by many!
He was once the leader of the Nivla, clans of different kinds of warriors with no equal strength and might! Their children at the young age, are known to have the strength of 5 young ordinary adult male! The Nivla clans are the stronghold, Frontline soldiers of the town known as AGILA!
Agila has 100 thousand people all in all. Live peacefully under the wings of the mighty wall surrounding the town. The wall is the mighty structure surrounding the town of Agila, protection against the outside danger cause by Devons! Devons are creatures that wrecked havoc ten thousand years ago the start of Dark Age, as history written in the SUBSCRIPT. Subscript is an ancient book written by unknown individuals 2 years after Dark Age started! It is not only a historical book, those that seen and touch it said it has lifeforce as if 'twas alive! Devons are monster and creatures that have the strength equivalent to five Nivla warriors. Few also possess extra ordinary skills and magic!
Agila consist of four clans. The Nivla, Bulan, Tambal and Guna. The Bulan is the known aristocrats and the top of the higharchy of four Clans. They are intelligent and has a strong willpower and because of that, magic is their skilled priority. Nivla is the second in higharchy, they possess's strong body and physical strength. Tambal is third in higharchy though they possess's both the physical strength and intelligence of the top Clans, they are never an equal to both top Clans. Last is the Guna Clan, they are the lowest and known as Clans of ordinary people. Though few of them has strength and power equal to the top Clans still they are considered underlings, the footsoldier! Guna Clan only has one Black Mandirigma, the leader of the clan. Also one Silver rank Mandirigma, other than that are lower rank Mandirigma, farmers and fishermen.
Each Clans has their own leaders and land to take care with yet entitled to the supreme leader of the Town and that is the Archon.
In Agila, at young age everyone are entitled to sign their children in warriors school. Those that can past a test will be trained under the wings of the Archon and will become the future leaders and defenders of the town that is constantly attacked by Devons.
Agila has two types of soldier called Pack, they are MANDIRIGMA and BABAYLAN! The Mandirigma are mostly consist by a higher rank Nivla Clan officials while Babaylan mostly consist by Bulan Clan high rank officials. On the other hand the Mananambal Society is always run by the Tambal Clan for decades!
The MANDIRIGMA are ranked according to their physical strength while the BABAYLAN is physical strength and will power. They are rank from bronze, silver, gold and diamond.

Mandirigma are those that only have physical strength. The Guna Clan merely reach Gold or Diamond rank Mandirigma unless you are a Nivla clan or Black Mandirigma! Black Mandirigma are those that has an ability like Babaylan, though Black Mandirigma is never an equal to a Silver Babaylan.
Babaylan on the other hand has a physical strength (not equal to a silver Mandirigma) of a mandirigma and has a powerful mind. They can manipulate and fused with a Devon and use their strength and power thus making the power and strength of Babaylan doubled at will! A Diamond rank Babaylan is the highest of the rank. They can control a powerful Devon and have atleast 3 Devon in their possession! The most powerful of all which you can achieved by surpassing the power and strength of a Diamond rank Babaylan, the Black Babaylan! They are considered the toughest and powerful, though in decades only one achieved it and that is the Archon. Black Babaylan have atleast five Devons with Normal, Wrecked and God rank in their possession.
After the great war called the Dark Age ten thousand years ago, Agila is now at the virged of facing another dark age! Not just because of the constant attacked by Devons, the town also facing an internal conflict cause by the Bulan Clans. Would they survive another war with the Devons or succumbed in an internal conflict?
Let our story begin!

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