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I didn't really have any dreams, per usual.

"Anthony wake up!" Isaac whisper-yelled to me, and I begrudgingly rose my head and rubbed my eyes, looking at him.

"What?" I whispered back.

"We have like 5 minutes left of class, so I wanted to wake you up earlier so we don't have to rush," he twiddled with his pencil and smiled at me, "but it was a rash decision, as you're pretty cute when you're asleep—"

"Thanks for cheating me out of 5 minutes of sleep, asswipe." I put my elbows on the desk and rested my head on my hands, looking at the board, yet daydreaming.

I thought about what Isaac said, 'you're pretty cute when you're asleep...'

What if he likes me? Like, like-likes me? That'd be awful because he's really my only friend, and I'd have to avoid him. 'Cause that's, you know, weird, and... I'm not gay.

But he was probably joking... Maybe...

"Why's your face all red?" Isaac leaned over and whispered to me, making me turn to him and push him away.

"I-It's not! Wait, is it?" I touched my warm face. It was, in fact, really red.

He looked at me confused, and I pulled my sweatshirt strings to seclude myself from his line of sight. I could tell that asshole was smiling, so I just didn't look at him for the rest of class.

Once the bell rang, Isaac and I made our way down to 8th hour study hall, in the cafeteria. When we plopped our stuff down, he took out his phone charger, and handed it to me.

I tilted my head and raised an eyebrow.

"Your phone's dead, right? Use it." He then took out a book and notebook, doing homework.

I pulled out my dead phone and plugged it into a cable close to our table, before getting up and walking over to the study hall advisor, asking to go to the bathroom.

I didn't really need to go, I just wanted to walk around instead, so I walked past a couple trophy cases before walking down to the gym. I sneaked into the spare gymnasium, which was barely ever used. My school had two large gyms for scheduled athletic events, and if things got hectic, they often used the spare gym.

The door normally is unlocked, because someone broke it a long time ago and no one bothered to fix it.

I pushed open the large door, quietly closing it behind me, before taking a few steps inside. It was mainly dark, except there were a few windows up above allowing some natural light to fill the room. It was actually really nice lighting; dim and soft on the eyes.

I walked around to the middle of the gym, and sat down on the floor. I closed my eyes and just took a moment to think about things, taking in the peaceful atmosphere.


My eyes shot open at the loud and abrupt noise. The lighting turned sinister and dark. The atmosphere became frightening and tense. I didn't even turn around, but I could hear something moving in the bleachers.

I was sweating, panicking, as I turned around slowly, standing up and eyeing up every part of the room, trying to see if something was out of place.

A metal trash can near the door was knocked over, with its objects from inside spread about on the floor. I started to make my way towards the exit, but before I could get there, something grabbed my shoulder tightly.

I couldn't move, and I almost expected that this was just Isaac sneaking up on me, but it definitely wasn't his voice, when the person behind me spoke.

"Hey, Anthony." Their voice was deeper than Isaac's, and was definitely one I haven't heard in a long time...

Their grip on my shoulder got tighter, and I managed to utter a few words,
"H-hi, Calvin..."
oH sHit waDDup clifhanGer... kinda...

I'll follow you // blTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon