Bitch, Im Sexy ;)

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New story, Hope you like it!

 A/N: not edited.

“NOAH GET UP!” I heard a voice tell from above me. I cracked one eye open to see Sydnee

standing over me with a frown on his face. 

“Um.. How about no.” I replied tiredly, attempting to roll back over. I felt a pair of hands on my waist

lifting me out of my bed and throwing me over a shoulder. My eyes flew open, now wide awake, to

come face to face with syd’s butt. And what a nice butt it was, “SYD WHAT THE HELL!” I screeched

as I was carried from my room to the bathroom down the hall. 

 “its our last day of school, im not letting you ditch.” syd replied adamantly, putting me down on the

bathroom counter, and putting a hand on his hip. “Now get ready. Take a shower or something,

your hair looks terrible.” he stated, looking at my tangled curly brown locks. “No offense” he added

with a smirk.

“Assface.” I grumbled, jumping down from the counter and looking in the mirror, trying fix my hair.

“Hey hey hey, language missy.” he grinned at my reflection, wagging his finger at me. I made a face

at him in the mirror.

“ok out! Im taking I shower” I stated as I shoved him out the door.

“ill be waiting in your room. Oh and if you don’t hurry were gonna be late!” he replied from the other

side of the door. I quickly jumped in the shower, and washed my hair and body and did all my

shower stuff. I dried my body, and ran a brush through my hair, not having time to blow dry it. And

raced back to my room in my towel. 

“Find me clothes!” I shouted at Syd as I frantically started grabbing underwear out of my drawer. He

walked over to my closet and pulled out a pair of grey skinny jeans, and I flowy black tank top. 

“Here, put these on.” he said throwing me the clothes, as I put my underwear on under my towel. 

“Thanks. Now turn around” I demanded. He did as I said, and I quickly slipped on my bra and the

jeans, and shirt. I glanced at the clock and saw that we had roughly four minutes until we had to


“put these on.” I turned to see syd handing me a pair of red pumps and a grey leather jacket.

“I love your gay man sense of fashion.” I said, as i gratefully grabbed the clothing and glanced at

him. “you're better at dressing me than I am” I laughed, trying to keep my balance as I stood on one

leg trying to get my heels on. He grabbed my shoulder steadying me.

"Not all gay men have good taste, Noah.." he sighed, tired of my constant gay stereotyping.

"Lies" was all i replied with, finishing with my shoe, and grabbing my bag off my desk, and walking

towards my bedroom door. "are you ready to go?" i asked over my shoulder, opening the door. 

"yeah my stuffs in the car. im driving you." he said from behind me, following me out the door.

i said a quick goodbye to my mom, who was in the kitchen, making coffee. "Hurry up or your gonna

be late!" she said following us out into the foyer, shooing us out the front door. 

"i still cant believe this is our last day at east valley high." i said walking towards Syd's bright red

volkswagon bug. yep, the gay guy drives a slug bug. who would have ever guessed? i thought.

"Personally, im excited about moving. Seattle seems like so much more fun than Spokane." Syd

said bringing me out of my gay car thoughts. "ive always wanted to live in the city." he got in the

drivers side, and smirked at me as i got in the passenger. "More shopping."

Oh for the love of god, i thought dryly.


sorry this is so short! let us know if you love it or hate it :) and should we continue with this story?

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30, 2012 ⏰

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