chapter 1

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"Give me four Tequilas. Straight up," I demand, slapping my phone on the counter and roughly sitting on the bar stool. The bartender raises his eyebrows at me and looks me over but I growl my order again and he obeys. Once the shots are placed on the counter, I grab the first one and pour it down my throat. I slam the glass on the table whilst grimacing slightly.


I pick up the second one and do the same thing.

"Two." It feels like acid sliding down my esophagus.

"Three." This one seems different and I make a face as the burning liquid coats my throat with fire.

"Four." I manage to croak out. I slam this one on the table as well and glance at the man behind the bar.

"Give me 3 more," I demand, rummaging in my pocket for some bills. I pull out 19 pounds and slide them to him. "Please."

"Look, lady, I think you've had enough to dri-"

"Don't tell me when I've had enough." I cut him off, throwing the money at him. I am feeling a bit dizzy and for a moment the bartender has two heads.

"Are you sure?" He asks; his eyebrows knit in concern. I lean over the table and pull him close to me.

"Listen, I know you're trying to look out for me but don't." I hiss before settling myself back in my seat.

The man opens and closes his mouth before shaking his head in amusement and preparing my shots. Once he slides them over to me, I quickly grab them and gulp them down, strangely the pain in my throat no longer there. The room begins spinning faster and faster and my stomach clenches. I sway with the movement almost falling off my chair. A person next to me gives me an odd look but I just glare at them, whirling around in my seat and attempting to stand up. My sneakered feet trip over themselves and I am on the floor in a matter of seconds.

"Ma'am, are you ok?!" The bartender rushes to help me from the floor but I wave him off.

"I'm good, I'm good," I assure him, slowly standing up to test my wobbly legs. My stomach clenches and I lean forward breathing deeply. I am pretty sure I am going to heave my drinks in the middle of this bar. When no liquid comes up I breathe a sigh of relief, quickly making my way through the crowded tables. I stumble in through a bathroom door and clumsily make my way toward the sinks, blindly grabbing for the faucet.

"Stupid drinks," I mutter loudly to myself as my stomach clenches again. I quickly lean over the sink as the shots make a return. I gasp for air, gripping the counter top. The taste is acidic in my mouth and I gag, wheezing. The liquid comes up faster than I anticipate and I cough before another wave hits me. When there is no more liquid to be dispelled, I try catching my breath, focusing on the slow inhalation and exhalation. I glance in the mirror at my haggard face and shake my head. I leave the water running, splashing some onto my pale skin. Suddenly, there is the flush of the toilet and out steps a man. His eyes widen when he catches sight of me stooped over the sink.

" do know this is the men's loo right?" He asks me, giving me a confused glance. I look up quickly and turn around.

"The men's loo?" I repeat. He nods slowly, freezing next to the stall door he just exited.

"Oh," is my only response and I turn back to reviving my pale skin. I catch the guy's eye in the mirror and take a chance to look him over.

"Are you ok?" He asks finally. "I heard you throwing up."

Squinting my eyes, I walk towards him after shutting off the faucet. My face is still dripping wet from the water but I could care less. The man's eyes widen as I near him and I cock my head to the side.

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