Chapter 5-SAMPLE

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"Oh my gosh, Charli!" Ashley screeched as she ran into my arms.

I was barely halfway into my office when I heard a screech and looked up to see Ashley running towards me in six inch heels.

I caught her in my arms just in time and she tightly hugged me.

"We have lots to talk about!" She said and quickly pushed me into the office.

She closed the door and I shook my head at her, taking a seat on the white cushioned couch.

"You will not believe what happened to me." Ashley started and took a seat beside me.

I didn't have to say a word as she began to talk about her experience at a new club.

I nodded my head at everything, humming at things. My mind though was completely somewhere else.

It's been a week since I've seen or talked to Luca. We mainly exchanged things with either Mateo or Grace.

He was building a case against Mr. Carlon and hopefully he'll be able to turn it in a couple of days.

Other than the case, we didn't exist in each other's lives. Not a problem.

But there was a problem. My dreams have been consumed by a handsome face that has so many things under his physical appearance. I've had many hot, steamy dreams about him.

How he'd take me on every surface, whispering things into my ear. How amazing it'll feel to have him deep in me with his large bulky body above mine. How I'd be able to see all his tattoos and touch them and kiss them. It was tormenting.

"Charli!" Ashley suddenly screamed frightening me.

I jumped up and froze. I looked up to see Ashley blinking at me.

"I'm sorry, what?" I asked,

Ashley sighed and leaned back.

"I'm so sorry for not listening. I was in the beginning, but I kind of dozed off." I apologized,

"It's ok. At least this time I had a person here to talk my things to instead of sitting at my desk all alone, looking like a crazy person." She said, making us both chuckle.

"So, tell me what's going on in that head of yours." Ashley said,

I sighed and shook my head.

"You don't want to know." I muttered,

"No, come on. Tell me." She began to whine and I knew if I didn't talk, she'd bug me until I broke.

"I met this guy. He's... he's a friend of Mateo and is a lawyer." I started,

"Oh really. What's his name?" Ashley asked,

I shook my head and stretched my limps.

"You wouldn't know him he's a private lawyer. Very confidential apparently and not many people know of him, but his name is Luca Derain." I said,

"Yeah, you're right. I don't know him." She said,

"Yes well, the first three days we saw each other. One night he came to my hoise and made dinner. A lot happened that night. We talked and talked, getting to know each other. Now I can't stop thinking about him." I sighed,

Ashley was quiet for a moment, nodding her head to herself.

"Wow, that's the most thrilling and interesting that has happened to you in a while." She stated and I smacked her.

"Look, I know is that you have to live or you'll just grow old and regret those life changing moments. This guy sounds really promising and I think you should contact him and meet up." She sighed,

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