Chapter One: First Kiss

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May 29, 2017

**Tobin and Allie's Apartment in Portland**

"Tobin...Tobin!!" Allie yells at the cozy figure in bed.

"Let me sleep," Tobin grunts, still face first in her pillow.

"I will not let you sleep. It's game day and your birthday and we have to meet Kling and Christen for brunch in a half hour!"

At the mention of Christen's name, Tobin shudders under the blankets. Noticing her best friend's reaction, Allie decides to take a different approach.

"Harry, are you still upset about last night?" Allie asks in a concerned tone, sitting down on the bed next to Tobin.

Acknowledging that she can't stay asleep forever, Tobin flips onto her back to face her housemate and replies, "Of course I'm still upset about last night. Who the fuck says that, especially to a teammate?"

"," Allie answers, hoping to lighten the mood a bit. Tobin's expression morphs into a scowl.

Attempting to retrace her steps, Allie offers, "Sorry. But it really wasn't that bad. Plus, the whole team was drunk, including Christen. She probably didn't even hear what you said."

"Yeah, Al. I'm sure she missed it when I literally blurted in her face, 'We should kiss sometime'." Tobin throws her arms over her face and groans. "Why am I such an idiot?"

"Tobs, you're not an idiot. You just have a crush." Allie reassures the midfielder. "And if I'm being honest, I don't think you're the only one. There's definitely been some...tension between you and Christen since she joined the Thorns." Allie winks at Tobin and stands up.

Tobin rolls her eyes and rolls herself out of bed to get dressed, yawning and rubbing her eyes.

**Christen and Meghan's Apartment in Portland (Right below Tobin and Allie's)**

"Press, wake up! We have to meet Allie and Tobin in thirty minutes!" Kling yells as she stomps into Christen's bedroom.

"How is it already 10:30?" Christen protests, jumping out of bed frantically.

"Chris, chill," Kling suggests, noticing how frazzled Christen seems. "What's up?"

"Sorry, I just..." Christen considers for a minute, "I, uh, I just don't want to be late."

Kling gives Christen a suspicious look. "Uh huh, right. You sure that's it? This doesn't have anything to do with a certain teammate, does it?"

Christen turns to face Kling, her face slightly red. "What are you talking about?"

"Chris, come on. You can talk to me," Kling urges, putting an arm on Christen's shoulder.

"It's not a big deal," Christen says with a sigh, "I just feel bad that I didn't say anything."

"After Tobin expressed her unconditional love for you, you mean?" Kling says with a chuckle.

"You said I could talk to you, Kling. Don't make me regret taking you up on it," Christen asserts, shooting a glare at her friend.

"You're right, I'm sorry," Kling apologizes. "Do you think she actually meant it when she said she wanted to kiss you?"

"I have no idea. Probably not," Christen answers with a tinge of disappointment in her voice. "I just wish I had said something, but I was so caught off guard. I doubt she even wants to see me right now."

"I don't know if it's even possible for Tobin not to want to see you, Press. You guys are like magnets for each other," Kling notes, trying to reassure her teammate.

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