Chapter Seventeen: Nothing is Normal

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When I arrived back to the room, everyone was there, but Wiley.  They were sweating and drinking sports drinks.  I took my seat and began picking at the mud on my boots, trying to make them look better than they had.  Sadly, it might have removed the big chunks of dried mud, but it was still stained brown.  All around the bottoms of my black suede boots it was ruined.  Suede was not a material that could have things washed out of it.

       I am going to kill her for making me walk in that in these shoes, I thought.

       Cleo looked up at me from her cell phone and furrowed her brows.  “Where’s Wiley?”

       Ignoring her question I continued to pick at the mud on my shoes to show her just how mad I was about the whole thing.  She knew damn well where he was not: Not here.

       “Odette we don’t leave people behind when we do our workouts,” she said calmly, going back to doing whatever it was on her iPhone. 

     Obviously someone here is a hypocrite, I thought annoyed.

      “Well while we wait for Wiley to come back, let’s talk about our weekends,” she continued,  “Bria, you want to share?”

      Bria fidgeted in her seat, pulling the too big sweatshirt farther down her body, trying to hide herself from everyone’s stares.  She kept shaking her left hand back and forth like she was trying to get a cramp out of it.  “My m-mom took m-me out shop-p-ping,” she stuttered.  “I g-got new shoes-s.”

       “What kind?” Avery shot, filing her nails that were now painted lime green with black dots. 

      “B-boots for the winter-r,” she answered, flicking her right hand back and forth now and putting her left hand into the sleeve of her sweatshirt.

      Bria had long blonde hair, that shaped her thin face perfectly and contrasted nicely with her brown eyes.  She kept twitching every now and then like she had a chill crawling up her spine. Uncomfortable with this I looked away and pulled at a loose thread on my jean pocket.

     “What color?” Avery asked, putting her nail file away and popping a piece of gum into her mouth.  She offered a piece to Mason who was sitting next to her and he politely declined.  Shrugging she replaced it back into her oversized leather purse.

     “B-brown,” Bria answered, kicking her foot lightly against the floor making a noise between a scuff and squeak.

     The group went silent again.  The only sounds were Bria kicking the floor, Avery popping her gum and Cleo tapping away on her iPhone screen. 

       Wiley stalked into the room, his pants and shoes caked with mud and his face contorted into a look of pure rage.  He walked into the middle of the group and faced me pointing a finger in my face.  Rolling my lips into my mouth and raising my eyes, I gave a questioning look, waiting for him to say something to me.

      He opened and closed his mouth a few times, then swung around and pointed his finger at Cleo who had not looked up from her iPhone screen.  “You gave me the wrong directions!” he shouted.

      “Hmmm?” she hummed still clicking away.

      “I went through a swamp!  Why aren’t you all covered in mud?” he turned around glaring at everyone in the circle.

      “You said you live for adventure, so I gave you a different route,” she calmly said glancing up. 

     “Not that type of adventure!” he shouted back at her.  “Now I have to wash these!” He pointed to his clothes and stalked out of the building letting the door slam behind me.

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