The Council

92 5 2

Liam POV

I was currently sitting at the council table listening to the bickering of the supernatural representatives who  were currently quarreling over  the vampire "incident" .

Why must I have to suffer through this.
They are just like children .

"Enough ....Cyrus stop aggravating Consul Sinclair" I said quickly cutting off any remarks from Cyrus with a steely glare.

Now I had their undivided attention .

"Consul Sinclair the death of three humans can not be ignored . what do you have to say about the actions of the delinquents who have so foolishly broken the most important rule that our kind has adhered to " leaning back into my wooden chair I crossed my arms and arched my eye brow at the vampire.

The vampire showed no emotion on his pale face .

His eyes cold and calculating .

"It was a most unfortunate incident but I can assure the council that the perpetrators will be dealt with and that I will do my best to prevent this from happening again " he stopped,a looking at every one at the table .

"Well now that we have that sorted what are we to do about the demons that keep escaping from the darkworld and create havoc amongst us " The fae consul smoothly changed the topic .she was a short blonde blue eyed faerie

Her small  build hid the fact that if she wanted to she could challenge even the great alpha.

Looks certainly were deceiving .

Drowning out their conversation I casually assessed them.

Right across from me sat the witch consul. Sheyla a typical witch.

Raven black hair , high cheek bones , sharp features , and a pair of deep green orbs for eyes.

She smelled of spices and death.

Where the fae Avean wore a long glittering silver dress the flaired at the knees .

Sheyla wore black leather tights ,black boots , a black leather jacket and a deep red shade of lipstick.

Her knives displayed on the belt that clung to her waist .

Next to her was the warlock consul.

He was basically a male version of sheyla.

He smelled like burning flesh and had a wand at his belt.

Underestimating him was a big mistake .

He was known to have fought off ten demons at ounce and killing even one level 5 demon was a feat for an average wolf.

Before I could continue my assessment my ears were asualted be a banshee screaming .

It was faint but getting closer and louder .

Suddenly the ground trembled sending vibrations up my spine.

I locked eyes with Cyrus my beta .

The winds swept around the room .

Everything stilled .

Then there was a dark swirling mass of darkness that hung in the air .

I could see a figure flying straight at me screeching an ungodly tune.

The last thing I heard was the growls from around the table before a force hit me straight in the chest.

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