1. Life As a Dork

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A/N: I hope you guys enjoy this short story ^^

Hey, I'm Winter. Everyone's favorite dork. Haha just kidding, everybody hates me. They take down my books and call me names like worm or dork face. As you can see, I have a sarcastic personality. No one knows when I'm joking or being serious.

"Hey dork face!" A jock shouted mockingly.

I shuffled with my little feet, trying to get away from Mason. He's pretty idiotic when you see his true identity, Satan himself. I swear to god, you can even see the horns on his head. If you don't see his horns, there's something wrong with you and you lost your imagination.

"Hey, come back here!" Mason chases up to me like a cheetah and I run off to escape, apparently I'm not athletic enough to save myself from Satan.

"No!" I growled irritatingly as I tried to catch my breath and hide in the art room.

"Come out wherever you are, worm!!" Mason shouted as he stomped room to room to find me.

Like a loser, he gives up and walks away. Wow, that's sad. I thought he wouldn't stop.

I walked out of the art room and sighed with relief.

"Are you okay? It was a terrifying to watch Mason run like a gorilla," The one and well known popular jock, Trevor Waterton walked up to me.

Somehow this jock is not like those other jocks who are dumbos.

"Yeah, I luckily survived with my non-athletic body haha," I laughed nervously, no guy ever talked to me before.

His humor intrigues me.

"Soooo, what's your name?" Trevor asked me curiously.

"Why not call me worm or dork face? That's what everyone calls me these days," I laughed but Trevor just gave me a blank stare.

"Well, I'm not one those people, silly girl." He tapped my nose and smiled.

I blushed like it was an end world and he clearly sees my red rosy cheeks, but he doesn't say anything about it.

I fixed my glasses and sighed, "When will people give up making a fool of me?"

I clearly hide my bitterness from people so I don't show them they got to me. Dark humor is the only way I can hide. Yes, I can be humorous at times but you can't ever know if I'm joking or being serious.

"I don't know, they seem to be idiots for wasting their time making fun of you," Trevor replied out of the blue, it's like a huge deal that no guy has said that to me, ever!!

I laughed at this and I nodded my head agreeing with him.

"Can I have your phone number? I'm alone all of the time, I need somebody to talk to," I tried to not to sound like a freak.

I'm freaking alone, I need somebody. You guys understand that I had to ask him for his phone number. Yeah yeah, the dork makes the first move. Big deal!! At least I was confident for the first time. I'm only interested in being his friend, nothing more. Don't even think about teasing me.

"Yeah sure," I take my phone out and give it to him. He puts down his phone number and puts his name on it.

He gives me my phone and told me to make sure to tell him who you are.

"The names Winter, don't forget that," I winked with confidence.

"I won't forget," He gives a thumbs up and waves at me a farewell.

"Bye," I waved back with a smile and I turned around walking away from him.

Finally, I have a friend.

A/N: Hey guys, I was thinking of writing a cute Christmas story from my Christmas poem, Please Be My Gift. I have been writing a lot of short stories now. It feels like forever to write those 1,000 - 4,000 word story but I'll keep pushing myself. I'm trying to not make this story clique because I have a huge struggle of making some books clique and I read too many books with clique plots so yeah lol

What do you think of Winter?

What do you think of Trevor?

Please tell me in the comments below ^^

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06, 2017 ⏰

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