07 | Octavian x Reader

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You stumbled into camp, helped along by the two sentries. This was all so crazy. First, a talking wolf named Lupa. Then, monsters and myths being real. Now, you're a Roman demigod who's supposed to enter Camp Jupiter.

Exhausted and nervous, you stood on the bank of the Tiber, waiting for the Praetor to step out.

She did.

She was tall and regal in a purple cloak, with two metal dogs at her side. Her face was grim and determined. The dogs snarled and bared their teeth, making me step back.

"Greetings. I am Reyna, Praetor of New Rome. "

She said these words flatly, like she'd said it a thousand times before. It contributed to your growing fear.

Suddenly, a voice interrupted.

"I do apologize for my tardiness, Praetor, I was busy preparing for the feast of Fortuna. "

Hang on. It may have been years, but you knew that voice.

You searched for it's owner and eventually found him standing next to Reyna.


The scrawny blond boy turned as if to look at you properly, and his eyes widened with surprise.


You flew into his arms, nearly knocking him over. You was so relieved to see a familiar face, you completely ignored the whispers coming from all around.

The shock of the last few days caught up with you and you broke down crying. You sobbed into his chest while he held you like a fragile flower.

"Hey, shh, Y/N. It's okay. Shh. Don't cry. "

You clung onto him, trying to calm yourself down. Eventually, you pulled away.

"Why didn't you tell me you were leaving, Tav?" you looked up at him.

You guys had been best friends since childhood. In the last four months, you'd even been dating steadily. Then one day, he had simply disappeared.

He shifted uneasily, and you became aware of all the people staring at you.

He left your question, but turned to the Praetor.

"I received a sign earlier that the next demigod we receive was to be accepted. I vouch for Y/N."

Reyna nodded shortly and dismissed the gathered crowd.

Octavian led you into the barracks of the First Cohort, leading you into his personal room that he occupied as Centurion.

The two of you settled on the edge of the bed.

It was awkward, to say the least. The last time you'd seen each other, it had been three years ago in an arcade.

You sat uncomfortably, waiting for him to speak. He didn't, and the silence stretched out.

And then his lips were on yours, his right hand was on your neck, the other cupping your cheek.

Your arms wrapped themselves around his neck and pulled him closer, playing with the ends of his blond hair.

The kiss was filled with the melancholy of being apart for those years, and the joy of being reunited. He pressed his lips onto yours hard, as if trying to make up for the missed kisses of the past. He pulled you into him, engulfing you in a tight embrace.

When he pulled away, your lips were left tingling, wishing you could continue forever like that.

"I'm so sorry I didn't tell you, (Y/N/N), I really am. I wasn't allowed to, and I didn't think you'd understand and-"

You cut him off, putting a finger to his lips.

"It's okay, Tav. I've found you again. That's all that matters. "

Octavian seemed immensely relieved.

"You have no idea how much I missed you," he whispered, running his hand through your hair.

"I think I do, Tav," you muttered back, cupping his cheek, your thumb gently caressing it.

"How much did I miss you?" he asked.

You looked into his eyes.

"Like this. "

Your lips met in a shower of sparks, and you smiled.

Moments | Demigod x Reader | Percy Jackson FanfictionDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora