The Axe Murderer

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This is dedicated to Lauren, if you're reading.


It started with a "Fine." 

And then a "Finally."

And ended with a "Shut the fuck up and drive."

So Harry drove, and he drove his little heart out. He drove on and on until exactly 7:17PM. Because Artemis needed "food, like a shit ton of food" because the trunk full of snacks she picked up earlier didn't suffice. And she needed it "like right now...". Then Harry gave the car some food, he got some food, everybody got some food. And then sometime around 9:34PM, Harry admitted he was getting tired, but they were in the middle of nowhere. 

"Better cross 'sleep with Harry Styles in a car in the middle of fucking nowhere' off my bucket list." Harry brushed off her comment, assuming she was tired and she hadn't had enough water today. 

"I'm sure there's a motel somewhere, you want me to keep driving?" 

"Nah... I'm serious, I'd love to cross that off my bucket list. And if I die by the hands of an axe murderer that pops out of the dark, then so be it." Harry couldn't tell if she was being serious or if she wanted him to drive. 

So Harry turned the engine off, deciding that being killed by a random axe murderer was a pretty cool way to go. 

"Good thing I bought these fur blankets."

"Good thing bought the fur blankets." Harry stated. Artemis just tugged the blanket out of Harry's hands  and turned her back. 

"Night Harry."

"Night Arty."

"Don't call me Arty. Ever."

"Whatever Arty."

And right before Artemis could slip into a little peaceful oblvion, Harry whispered something inaudible to Artemis' ears, inaudible to the possible axe murderer's ears, and barely audible to his own ears. 

"I really really like this."


Artemis could tell it was early on in the morning because it didn't quite feel like PM anymore, but the sun wasn't up to be totally AM. But she was still awake. Now it wasn't Harry's snoring that woke her up, or the obnoxious beeps that Harry's phone would make every thirty seconds. It was that tapping.

And oh shit, it's a fucking axe murderer. 

The tapping didn't stop, and it was coming from her side of the car. So she's going to die first. But she might as well let Harry go in his sleep, because she wasn't that cruel. Artemis was going to pretend to be a hero. 

She grabbed that pepper spray she pocketed earlier from the gas station and got really close to her passanger window. She couldn't see the axe murderer but she could still hear the tapping, but now it sounded more like scratching. 

"C'mon Artemis, this is totally an awesome way to go. Can't wait to tell everybody in Hell how I went down fighting an axe murderer." She was always known for her crappy pep talks. 

But as soon as she opened the door, she might've just fainted from the cuteness. 


Harry woke up around 7AM to the sound of Artemis cooing sensless words at something. And for just a second Harry got excited, because what if Artemis was actually cooing senselessly at him. His eyes shot open, and he was expecting a bright-eyed Artemis looking right at him ready for her to kiss him or embrace him. But she wasn't. 

"D'awww, I'm going to name you Lily, no how about Butter. Ehhh, no? How about.... Charming!" He noted that her voice was annoylingly pitched. 

Was she talking to Harry? Because he was pretty sure his name was Harry and she couldn't just rename him. 

"Oh, Harry! You're awake! Look what who I found!" Harry finally came to his senses and realized Artemis wasn't in the passenger, she was in the back, and not alone. 

Harry flipped. Artemis quickly explained her dilemma and began to beg Harry to keep it.

But the thing looked filthy and it was leaving marks all over his brand new car, and Artemis was giving the dog more attention than Harry. 

"Harry, it isn't a thing. It's a puppy!" Harry ran his enormous hands over his face, contemplating whether or not he should let it stay. He was honestly hoping for a one on one trip with Artemis, the dog was all sorts of uncalled for. 

 "It can stay, but can we just clean it up? The leather is brand new, and the dog looks like it shit all over the place."

"Yeah, sure. Let's find the nearest gas station then." Harry started the engine while Artemis diverted her attention to the nameless dog. 

"Hey Harry, what're we going to name him?"

"Well he came out of nowhere like an axe murderer..... we'll call him Axe." 


 Author's Note

Cool, that only took a milennia to write and upload. Sorry it's a lot shorter then the previous chapters. But every adventure needs a side kick dog, so there you go. I hope you enjoy and hopefully I will update quicker next time! Aren't Artemis and Harry adorable? 


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⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: Feb 02, 2014 ⏰

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