Chapter 2/ Poor Christmas tree

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I slowly open my eyes to find I'm at the end of Lilly's bed. I stretch my legs and jump off the bed.

I head to my food bowl,when I stop at the tree.

So we meet again tree...don't you try anything with me I will get day

Then all the sudden little specks appear on the tree.

Don't do it Romeo,don't do it...those specks are not worth it...Lilly will be mad...don't do it...o I can't help it...ugh don't do it...I can't take it any more!!!

With that I jump right into the tree. I climb to the top knocking over a silly thing on top then I start to knock off,some round circular thingies.

With that the whole tree falls over.

O what have I done, WHAT HAVE I DONE!!!!

Then I hear Lilly waking up. I quickly run behind the couch.

Maybe she won't find me...

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