How It All Came About

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This part is not an official story, it is the beginning, yes, but there's not a lot of adventure in it, I'm afraid. In this part Baybond find their pet Armadillo, and they start the beginning of an adventure in some far away place... (though I'm not sure where that is yet)

If you have any questions or anything please feel free to comment :D

OK, so I, Martha McCamley, am proud to present The Adventures of Baybond (and their Pet Armadillo)

Enjoy xx

A young man of about 30 was walking down the street. He was tall and skinny, and had chocolate brown hair and deep minstrel eyes which shimmered when the sun shone on them. He was wearing a red tartan shirt, skinny jeans and had a neon orange backpack, not surprisingly, on his back.

I know right? I mean, neon orange, red and blue?! Talk about clashy.

But anyway, this man was walking down the street, and stopped outside an old abandoned house. He looked behind him, making sure no one had followed, but apart from a few birds and a couple of children out playing, the suburban street was completely empty.

He breathed a sigh of relief and did a strange knock on the door of the house. The house itself was almost falling down, the paint on the windowsills and door was cracked and faded, you could just about tell that the door used to be bright green. The man was taking all this in, all of the details that weren't in the other houses along this street; the servants stairs down to another door which was black and covered in cobwebs and dust, the roof was like a corner of a triangle and the walls were dark grey, so that it looked as if it was permanently in a shadow. The tallness of this house was strange. All of the other houses were small and fat, either having two stories or one. This house had four, and so was looming over him and the rest of the street.

Suddenly he felt cold. A shiver ran through his spine and he gulped. He looked around him; the children had run inside and there was not a bird to be seen.

Oh no! He was alone, on a creepy street, standing next to a creepy house and -

Suddenly someone opened the door and it groaned, deeply, scary, sounding like a crow's cry, it sent shivers down his spine.

"H-h-hello?" he stuttered uncertainly, "Who's the-e-ere?"

"I am your worst nightmare," the voice bellowed. "Fear me, FEAR ME!!"

Despite how scared he was, the man looked thoughtful. The voice was trying to be frightening, but there was no hiding the slight poshness of the accent.

He sighed, "Hi Ben, I know it's you."

A tall, muscular, good looking man stepped out of the darkness. His eyes were like two cornflowers, glistening with happiness and laughter. "You should've seen your face Mat!" he grinned, his wide smile was full of gorgeous teeth which looked like lines of white pearls, glowing in the blackness of the house. "W-w-who's t-t-there!" he mimicked, smiling cheekily when he saw Mat's red face.

Mat tried to ignore him, "Are you sure this is safe?" he asked, looking around him, worried by the creaking stairs and groaning doors.

"No," replied Ben.

Mat looked even more frightened now.

"But it doesn't matter, we won't be staying here long..." Ben started walking down the hall, in and out through a maze of corridors and rooms.

"What do you mean?" asked Mat, following him.

"How did you discover this place?"

"Why did you go in?"

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2014 ⏰

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