All the love

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All of the days I've been suspended, Obito has been coming to see me

Each day he brought me a rose, I put them to water I had a bunch of roses. Everyday when I open my door and see Obito's face my heart runs a mile, I get so estatic. On the last day of my suspension Obito came with a bouquet of white flowers.

I blushed so hard I became redder than a tomato.
"I brought you these" Obito said smiling
I jumped to hug him
"I love you" I whispered
He hugged me back
"I love you more"

He gave me the flowers and I put them to water,I had a mix of white and red flowers. It looked beautiful.

The next day I went to school, Obito picked me up. We walked to school together, he took me to the office because I needed to talk about my suspension. They said if this happens again that I will be suspended for a month and that it's going on my personal record. We then left and saw Rin flirting with Kakashi.

"Obito broke up with me so can you keep me company,Kakashi" she said seductively
Kakashi said he was inlove with me
Rin then slapped him across the face and left
"WHY IS IT ALWAYS HER" Rin yelled as she left
"Because she's not a slut" Obito yelled while we approached Kakashi

We all laughed. Everything was amazing,Obito was by my side and Kakashi turned down Rin, that was hilarious..

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