Farmer Refuted

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"Hear ye! Hear ye! My name is Samuel Seabury!" The young man yelled, waving a paper in his hand. He stood at the the side of the sidewalk, the students passing him with racial slurs and disgusting words. Samuel got quieter with every insult until finally, the infamous Alexander Hamilton came up.
Samuel began his statement again, "My name is Samuel Seabury, and I present Free thoughts on the proceedings of the Continental Congress! Heed not the rabble who scream revolution! They have not your interest at heart!" He says to Hamilton, not noticing the blonde man with the red jacket watching him.

"Oh my god. Tear this dude apart." Hercules mumbles to Alexander. Samuel was gaining quite the crowd. Samuel clears his throat. "Chaos and bloodshed are not a solution! Don't let them lead you astray! This congress does not speak for me!" He smiles slightly, feeling confident.
Aaron Burr sets a hand on Alexander's shoulder. "Let him be." He says in a calm voice. "They're playing a dangerous game! I pray the king shows you his mercy! For shame! For shame!" He declares, looking at Alexander. Alexander immediately steps up as Samuel repeats his statement.
Alexander argues with him until the point where Samuel goes quiet, just taking his insults. George scowls and snaps, a team of people running in. "SILENCE! A MESSAGE FROM THE KING!" They yell, George smirking. "Hamilton." He scowls. "Leave. And take your disgusting dogs!" He snaps, the team hesitantly leaving.
George turns to Samuel and smiles. "Please repeat your statement. I would love to hear." He says, snapping his fingers. One of the people who was with his group form a chair and he sits on them, smiling. Samuel cracks a smile. "Thank you sir." He says with a cute nod, beginning to say his statement over again with more confidence, knowing his true King was watching him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2017 ⏰

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