Chapter 74

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Meg was lying face down on the sofa outside of Lauren's office with Kim laying on her back, the assistant's face pressed between her shoulder blades. Both women scrunched their brows as the distant sound of footsteps could be heard approaching from the elevator. As they grew closer and the sound grew louder, the wrinkled foreheads were accompanied by groans and moans in time with the steps.

"It's your own fault so don't even." Camila mumbled in a rough voice as she came to a stop next to the couch and took her sunglasses off, squinting at the bright light coming in the windows. "What did you want?"

Kim just turned away, facing the other direction and leaving Meg to find the strength to answer. "If you don't do something about the obnoxious brunette in the dressing room... I will kill her and dispose of her body in the dumpster."

"I've been dealing with her all morning. She took three showers from 2am until she left." Camila argued. "She came to work and is therefore your problem now."

"You made her this way." Kim mumbled.

"Yeah." Meg agreed, not yet even opening her eyes to look at Camila. "You made her propose and now she's all nervous and shit. It's fucking annoying. And we had to deal with her and hangovers on top of a photo shoot this morning so we've done our time."

"She won't even sit down for more than two minutes."

"Make her stop."

"Yeah. Make her stop."

Camila looked over the pair and shifted her weight onto one leg. "You know... if I wasn't so crabby from the lack of sleep, extreme hangover, and Lauren's nervous antics... I would say you two look cute. But right now, your adorableness is annoying the hell out of me."

"Then go to the dressing room." Kim responded. "You can't see us from there."

The diva slipped her sunglasses back on and pouted. "You two suck. And don't you dare make a joke about being better at licking." With that, Camila walked away, slapping her feet to the concrete as she went. "Lauren Jauregui." She called out as she threw the dressing room door open.

"What?" The brunette was sitting on the small couch staring at herself in the mirror as she clutched a small pillow to her chest.

"You look pathetic."

Lauren looked up to the diva standing next to her. "And you look like shit. Love you too."

"That's not what I meant and you know it."

"Then don't say it so gruffly. I tried to get you to drink some Gatorade before you went to sleep but you wouldn't. How you feel is one hundred percent your fault."

Camila sighed and dropped her hands from her hips. "I know. I'm sorry. But what has you so on edge?"

"There are five days before our wedding."

"Yeah. I know. It's coming soon." Camila said as she sat down on the couch.

Lauren stood up as Camila sat down and started lightly pacing the floor in front of her. "That's not soon. That's so frickin far away. It's taking too long to get here and it is driving me nuts." Camila took her sunglasses off and covered her eyes with her hands. Lauren's pacing was starting to make her dizzy. "I mean, I want this to happen so badly that each day it gets closer, it seems further away. I almost want to just throw you in the car, drive to Connecticut, go to a courthouse and sign the damn marriage certificate so it's final. Then I can relax until the wedding."

"Okay, you really need to stop pacing. The drifting of your voice from side to side is enough to make me feel nauseous."

"Sorry." The brunette pouted and crossed her arms over her chest, only to drop them dramatically a few seconds after and plop back down onto the couch. "Camila, I feel like my body is running and I can't keep up and I just want the world to stop for a few seconds so I can figure out where I am."

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