Chapter 2: Dr. Brown

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April 23rd, 2016


Today we are taking Brandon to the doctor to see what wrong with him. It feels wrong to say that cause he's my son but he's not as developed as Brooke and my mother said that I was very smart baby and so was Kyle and that's why Brooke is smart like she is.

Right now we are in the office with him and he's playing with blocks they have set out. "Mama." I heard him call, I could tell it was him since he spaces out the vowels. "Yes, baby?" I walked over to him and squatted down next to him. "B-b-b." He started to get frustrated he put the block down at looked at me with a pout." Let's go sit down." I picked him up and put on my hip.

Just as we were about to sit down they call Brandon's name." Oh that us." I gave Brandon Kyle when the doctor wanted to talk to me in private.

"So what brings you here today." She said sitting down at her desk, I soon followed. "Well my son he doesn't seem to catch on as quickly as his sister, they are twins. I'm saying is that she started walking at 10 and 1/2 months and started walking a 13 months. And he can't say simple words he struggles to say them and when he can't he gets upset and starts crying." I huffed out. "Is that all, any other problems?" She looked up from her clip board.

"He gets mad at his sister if she can say something correctly and he try's to hit her. And he's very clingy and he still acts like a 4 month old baby. " I sighed. "Well for the talking you're just going to have to give him time and maybe practice but he's still to young to see what's going on."

"So what about the talking is it just how he talks or." "Well it seems like he has Expressive language issues, it's to early for signs like this to be showing. But bring him in I'll try talking to him." She smiled at me and leaned back in her chair.

I got him and Kyle and we walked back to the office. "Hi Brandon." She sat down next to him and put her hand out. He just stared at her hand like it's the weirdest thing ever. She got her clip board and wrote something down. "Can you say, hi." "Hi." He mumbled. "He can say hi, mommy, mama, up, I, tired, and hungry." I said to her.

"Oh alright." She wrote that down as well. "Is that all he can say?" "Yeah he has a hard time saying anything else." Kyle said. "If you don't mind can you guys sit on these two seat while we go over there and talk." The doctor said. "Yeah sure." I smiled and sat down in the chair.

Dr. Brown

It's seems as this little boy has a speech disorder and autism. He has expressive language issues, it's a language issue that give you difficulty express thoughts and idea and autism which impairs the ability to communicate and interact." Can you say toy." I handed him a small figure of sponge-bob. "T-t-t." He looked at me with watery eyes and quivering bottom lip. "No crying it's ok we can try again." I handed him one of Patrick and looked at him hopefully. "Say t-o-y." I said each vowel trying to make it easier for him. "T-t-toy." He mumbled. "Good job buddy, High five." I cheered putting my hand up. He looked at my hand for a minute before hitting my hand.

"Can you say dog?" I handed him a stuff dog.

This will be a long day.


We left the office about 30-45 minutes later and now we are going to pick up Brooke from Kyle's mothers house. My mother or Maya doesn't want to watch my kids they always say they're busy. I could tell that my father loves my kids but he also loves my mom but it doesn't see as much anymore.

"Hey baby, how was grandmas house?" I asked Brooke as I buckled her in. "Why I no go to you mommy house?" She looked up at me. "Well my mommy always busy." I said closing the door and getting in the drivers seat. Since he had to go to a emergency at work. Which is kinda weird cause I know that his job is closed during the weekend. But I'm not going to question it since this has been happening for the past 2 months. Don't worry I'm going to find out soon.

"Where's dada?" "He went to work." I stated I hate lying to them every weekend and sometimes during the week saying he's a work, that's when he promises them in the morning he's going to take them a bath, read them a story, put Brooke to bed, and try to put Brandon to bed. But I've been doing all of that for the last 2 months.

And he's only done it once which was last weekend. But he only took Brandon to the room put his stuff on and threw him in the crib like nothing. I think he's cheating on me, he's really good at hiding it because he never has any text to another women or he never gets any text, he never smells like perfume, he never has hickies only from me and I know when I give them, and he comes home at 9 which his boss says he gave him longer hours but when I went there at 7 which is the time he gets off he told me to come pick him up and when I went to go ask for him they said he already left.

But sooner or later I'm going to find out no matter how good he hides it.


Sorry it took me so long to update. But I hope you like this one. What do you think is up with Kyle? What do you think will happen next? Is Kyle really cheating or is he planning something for him and mia? Btw there will be a lot of drama up ahead so watch out.

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