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I try to silence them
But they are screaming my name

I try to muffle their screams
Their hands are clawing towards me

I try to run away from them
But they are stuck in my head

They are feeding from me
I am letting them feed from me

They are drinking me alive
Leaving me like a corpse

I feel little pain
But my head is numb at all

I am letting them eat my flesh up
Cause my head is messed up

I can't think straight anymore
I am letting them take control

I am done fighting this battle
Ignoring and fighting them

I want them to take a control for once in a lifetime

I wanna let them win and free me from this fight

They know me

They understand me

They are in my head

They are in my soul

I want them to make me hollow

I like them the way they laugh at me

Their laughs scares me
But at the same time excited me

Can i let them take over me?
Cause I want to grab their hand

I want to feel how it feels like to have no control

Can i let them control me?

Believe me I'm giving them the control

They are no person

They are just my Demons

They are the dark part of my soul

Who know me better than anyone

They are my only companion

I am letting them destroy me

I am letting them take over me ....

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