Chapter 1

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  A human was walking up a mountain. Hiking, so to speak. The human continued onward up the mountain. They saw a small cavern. They ran into it. The human didn't know that the next few steps they would take, would change their life. They saw a hole, with vines spreading out from it. A strange mist filled the chamber. Out of curiosity, the human desired to look down the hole. They took a step... Then another...and then another.

  They felt a vine against their shoe. They tried to put a foot down to catch their fall, but it was to late. The human was hurtling down the hole.

  The human was overwhelmed and terrified, wind rushing past them. They were nearing the ground.. THUMP! The human hit the ground, hard. The human was aching and in pain. They looked up, black was fading in and out. They were alive. A patch of yellow flowers had saved them. They stumbled to get up. The room was dark. They saw a door and walked toward it. They tilted left and right until they reached it.

  Through the door the human saw a light shining through a hole in the ceiling. A yellow flower hunched over, not facing them. The human took a couple steps forward, their footsteps cleared the silence. The flower perked up, and the quickly turned toward the human. The flower had a face, a smiling one, too. "Howdy! I'm Flowey, Flowey the Flower!" it said as its smile shined happily. The human felt safe, but the uncomfortable fact that a flower right in front of them was talking was filling them with unease. "Hmm.." it said as its face turned skeptical, almost as faking it ,"You're new to the underground, arent'cha?" it said as it face grew back to joy. Well the human now had a name for this place now."You must be so confused." it spoke as its face leaned a bit. It perked back up "Someone aught to teach you how things work around here." it said, its face looked questioning for a second ," I guess little old me will have to do!" it said. "Ready? Here we go!". Everything flashed black and white, until it settled in.

  "You see that heart?" they looked down to see a red heart "That is your soul, the very culmination of your being. The human still didn't have an idea on what was going on. "It starts out weak, but you can make it stronger by gaining LV." The human thought a bit before the flower cut their train of thought " What's LV? Why, LOVE of course!" it said "You want some love don't ya?" the flower said.Seed like pellets came out from behind the flower. "Down here, LOVE is shared by tiny white.." the flowers face turned mischievious "..friendliness pellets?.." it said, studdering  a bit. " Here, get as many as you can!" the human smiled and giggled and ran into them as they came at them...pain shot through the human when it hit them. They looked at the flower, its face turned into an evil grin. "YOU IDIOT!!!" it screamed "WHY WOULD ANYONE PASS UP ON AN OPPURTUNITY LIKE THIS!!?" teeth barred and snarled whilst drool dripping down from the sharp teeth. Seeds surrounded the human. "IN THIS WORLD.."


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