Clue: the Case of the Crushed Pieces

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With one fell swoop, the lid was sealed; a click, and the door was shut with a sense of finality. Then, a voice rang clear.

"I say Scarlet, it is nice to know that it was you going about strangling Mr. Boddy."

"I didn't strangle him, as you say. I had him hanged; there's a difference. And as you very well know professor, no one knew who the murder was, myself included! It's all the luck of the draw," Scarlet huffed, as she shrugged off a piece of paper.

The other suspect pieces had already gathered in the center of the box among various clue sheets, cards, writing implements, and silvery weapons. However, there was something strange about three of them, that is, Mrs. Peacock, Mr. Green, and Professor Plum. Green was using the wrench as a cane. Both his and Mrs. Peacock's faces were slightly smushed as well, though Peacock's was admittedly more so, along with her hair. The professor's glasses were broken and one of his hands was awfully flat.

Mrs. White, never one to beat around the bush, voiced what everyone else was too polite to say. "What exactly happened to you?"

"I'll tell you what happened," Colonel Mustard interrupted, now that the ice was broken, "They weren't paying attention to what was going on, and were in their heads like all intellectuals. Imbeciles."

Mrs. Peacock looked all too ready to answer to both statements, but couldn't due to her lips being stuck together. So Green and Plum explained what happened. The three of them had gotten knocked onto the floor after the game was done, but had yet to be put away. They were then stepped on by one of the four youngers of house, before being picked up and set in the box.

"Well, which one did it?" Mrs. White pressed

"That, is an excellent question. As my and Peacock's faces attest to, our noses were to the ground. Plum was the only one who saw the perpetrator in the face, but since his glasses were broken, he didn't them clearly. The only thing he knows for sure, is that they had blonde hair."

The Colonel couldn't help his sarcasm, "Humph, so that cancels out one, Lylla. So all we have left are the two little girls Ray and Jade, and the boy Kael. Narrows it down a lot."

"Well, that's only what I saw, I'm sure Mr. Green saw something from his, erm, lower vantage point," Plum said with a cough.

Green glared at the professor for the insult. "All I know is that the offender was wearing those pants they call jeans, though two of the rascals were, and the last was farther off wearing a skirt with shorts." He moved on. "So that takes Jade off the list, only she regularly wears skirts in this house."

Miss Scarlet agreed. "So, that just leaves Kael and Ray. Oh, mother, what is it?"

Mrs. Peacock, unable to talk, had set herself aside to try to morph her features back to how they were. Now, she was struggling to untangle herself from something.

Scarlet went over to help and after a moment exclaimed, "Aha! The case is closed!" She held up a short hair for all of them to see. "It isn't long enough to be Ray's, so the only one left is Kael."

"Well, I don't know about you," Mrs. Peacock said, having finally succeeded in prying her mouth open, "but I think we should maybe shake up the next game that Kael plays for what he did. Thoughts?"

All the answer she needed was the devious looks on everyone's faces.

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