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"Stupid Vicky, stupid bet." I grumbled to myself as I walked down the street to the stores. I'd lost a bet to Vicky, and now I had to buy a pack of non specific fizzy beverage..
Although, this was one of the few occasions I was allowed out, strict child supervision and all that.

The jingling of my money in my pocket filled the quiet atmosphere, surprisingly quiet for a high street, but that was a good thing.
Distracted by the noises, I barely heard a very important one,
a wheezing or "Vworping!".
The unmistakable racket of the Tardis.

I frantically ran towards the direction of the familiar sound, probably looking mad as I went.
Rushing round the corner, I was nearly there, It was so close, but not close enough.
I'd reached what I thought was going to be the Tardis, but only saw an old alleyway with a frightened cat.
Nothing. Not even a flash of blue.

Walking back, I began to consider if I'd actually heard the Tardis, it wouldn't be the first time I believed the Tardis had returned. When I was ten I ran off during a birthday party because I thought a passing lorry was the Tardis. I was known for my smartness.

Time Skip
I fell face first onto my bed and sighed.
"Hey Vicky."
"Where's my drink."
"My drink. You went out to get it."
"Oh. I forgot."
"You forgot my drink."

Author's Note
Yay I wrote a thing.

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