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Hello! Sorry for the slow updates, I've been busy with the holiday and people :/ I'll be sure to update tomorrow!
Saeyoung's P.O.V
I let MC come into her apartment, we've been planning to move in with each other but we still need the money, she got a new job at this place. It sells Honey Buddha Chips! I don't exactly know the name of the store...I think it's something like 'Rush Rush Town'?
She's worked there for about three weeks! She told me that I can only come twice a week or else I'll make them run out of Honey Buddha Chips. It's no fair! Yoosung gets to go whenever he likes!

Off topic, while I was walking to see MC I seen this guy, he had red hair at his tips, and white hair hair, I'm pretty sure it was bleached. He looked suspicious, he was staring at me the whole time. I couldn't tell who he was due to his mask covering his neck and his face besides his eyes. He had one blue mint eye, the other one was covered.

It seemed as if he had a dark aurora around him. He walked away somewhere when I noticed him, he was quite tall. Too tall.

As he walked into the dark alley I noticed he had this choker, black leather jacket, and an eye-shape tattoo on his left shoulder. The eye was black and the pupil was mint. I think I may have seen that symbol, it couldn't be..could it?
MC's P.O.V
I was at work, Yoosung was with me. I was speaking to him about Saeyoung, I wanted to bring him on a date. He was suggesting what we should I should do for him. Yoosung was nice, bubbly. He also was now Jumin's assistant.

Yoosung says he doesn't want to be his assistant and go to school. Zen made Jumin allow him to go to school. If Zen wasn't his lover he probably would have denied.
My life has been great. I enjoy having them accompany me. Jaehee started a coffee shop with her lover. Jumin was proud of her, along with everyone else.
Mentioning Jaehee. She haven't come here yet. She was supposed to be here an hour ago. She must have got caught up with something, right?

Time passes and my shift is over, Yoosung and I walk back to my apartment. It was a nice walk, it was silent but peaceful. Saeyoung was supposed to come and stay the night with us. It was disappointing that he didn't come. He said something about work? I don't know, I know he's busy.

"Hey, MC."
"Can I, tell you something?"
"Of course! Don't be afraid to tell me anything!"
"just, don't tell anyone. Okay?"
"Eh? Sure, okay."
"Okay, well you see. S-Saeyoung has bee-"

I couldn't hear what he said due to this huge crash. Yoosung yelled loudly and held onto me for dear life. He looked like he was crying.
He then pointed to my door. His face in terror as if he seen a ghost, it was pale and he was getting cold.

I looked at the direction he pointed at and gasped. I felt my body become cold and weak.

They weren't normal. They were passed out, their head had glass in it, along with their neck and hands. I yelled, scared not knowing who it was. I wanted to cry, I couldn't believe what I saw. I cried and ran to them, before I could reach them Yoosung grabs onto me. My body was weak, but I couldn't stop.
I didn't know what was going on, my vision was blurry. I looked at the body once again and I saw this tall figure over them. I couldn't take a long look because they ran away. I didn't know what I was feeling. I was in confusion and regret. I weren't there to stop it, and now it's my fault.
Yoosung's P.O.V
I couldn't stop crying, but I couldn't let MC go. She was the only thing keeping me from falling down and crying.
She then stops, her breathing and struggling stops.
"Please, let me go.
Please, let me go.
You'll regret it.
I promise, I'll be nice.
Please, let me go."
Her body then collapsed, her skin pale as ever. Her hair covering her face. All I did was knell down beside her and cry. All I could do was cry, I know I'm weak. I know I'm easy too fool.
But trust me, I won't fall without a fight.
Trust me, I won't give up easily on you MC.
Trust me, I won't let him break your heart anymore.

Trust me.

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⏰ Última actualización: Jan 06, 2017 ⏰

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