He's staying

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Rosealie's POV

I can't believe that Edward, I thought he was family but no he is helping the Volturi, He is explaining himself while I don't listen I see Alec holding his sister's hand tight while we glare at them. Ed is the most stupid person in the world, he says they had a right to know what happened but that is a bunch of bullshit. He's only looking out for himself because he doesn't want to face the charges for his crimes. I know he can hear me so I mant him to feel the pain that he is causing, so what if Jane is a human? They can't take her with them or right when they get in the castel she'll be killed in seconds. They have no choice and she has to stay with us so now that she's human all we have to do is scare her into telling us how to fix my brother, I smiled at the thought of scareing her, the only problem is she still has that horrid gift of hers. When I started to pay attention Aro was shaking hands with Carlisel, I guess I missed something important and he ran off with Demetri back into the woods. I would have been fine until I looked over and saw Alec still standing next to Ed with Jane's hand in his, "What the fuck did I miss and why is Alec still here?!?!" I yelled at Ed mentally, he zoomed over and whispered "Aro didn't want to leave her but knew if she went she would get hurt so he left and would come back when They or we find a cure for her. An Alec doesn't trust you all with his sister so he's staying with us until he can take Jane back home." He told me and I growled and ran back to the house with Alice and Emmett fallowing me. I can't believe Carlisel would agree to this!!! Now we can't get anwsers unless Alec is gone! Wait, they tell each other everything so maybe we could get something out of Alec and then get the rest for Jane, Yeah this is a good plan. I'll tell the others and start planing out our next move.

Alec's POV

It's werid to be at the Cullen's house and not be with the guard, Jane is holding tough but I know she really wants to cry but won't because she thinks it makes she look weak. It's weird to see her blue eye again, it has been SO long since I last saw them and I miss that, our childhood and everything that was before all this vampire stuff. She's my everything and I won't let anything happen to her, if those three even come near her I will growl at them, they will know their limit and I will be with Jane all the time so I can make sure that they don't hurt my sister even more then they already have. We were walking back to the Cullen's house and I jumped with Jane into the window Edward took her from, it was totally trashed. Tables were turned over, walls were scratched apart, things were torn and flipped over an trash was everywhere, "I swear, I didn't do this!" she told us, i nodded and so did Edward. The room smelt like his "sisters" and Emmet, there was also a faint smell but I couldn't catch it because it's so old. "It's Jasper you smell, this used to be his old room, and I think they were looking for something but I don't know what?" Cullen tells me and Jane's eyes go wide, I think she remebers something. "What is it Jane?", " I know what they were looking for, and we better hope they didn't find it or we are gonna have some angry girls on our hands." she tells us it's in a small box and it's a leather type journal thing. It was Jasper's and he keep all kinds of secrets in it, like the things he would remeber he would put in it, all his feelings, secreats, the truth. He never wanted anyone to find out but, according to Edward Jasper would run off in the middle of anything and one time Alice saw him, she asked about it and he got mad an shooed her off. We seached and seached and couldn't find anything, the only thing that wasn't turned over was the bed!!! wait, the BED! I get down on my hands an knees while Jane and Edwards look at me weridly. I reach into the back and I am inches from the box, I'm too big to reach it "The box is under the bed but, I'm too big to fit under and grab it." I whisper to them them Jane Lays down and before crawling under says "Pull me out when I say so!!"

Jane's POV

So here I am crawling under Jasper's bed while my brother and Edwerido watch for his stupid siblings. I reach out and grab around the edges "I GOT!!! PULL ME OUT!!!" I called to them, I was pulled back by my feet and was greeted by Emmett, I held tight to the box while my two partners in crime where being held to the wall my the GIRLS "Really? You can't break out of their grip?" I say dumfounded, they just glare at me and  I smile a llitte at them then brought back to the prolbem at hand Emmett grabbed the box out of my hand and pushed me back into the wall. It hurt REALLY bad, have you ever been thrown into a wall? Well it sure as hell isn't fun. My brother went crazy and aws growling and trying to get over to me while Emmett tried to open the box, it wouldn't budge and he got angrier and angrier as he figured he couldn't open it. I laughed a little and in turn got slapped in the face, I screamed out in pain and fear as he pulled me up to his level "How do you open it? I know you know, TELL ME!!!! " he yelled I didn't say a word, he was beyond pissed now. He took hold of  my arm and brought it to his lips "WHAT ARE YOU DOING??? I THOUGHT YOU ONLY DRANK ANIMAL BLOOD?!?!" I questioned and he just smiled an sliced his naill down my hand. I screamed at the pain, " I am, but he's not.He said pointing to my brother, my eyes went wide in horrior as I relized what he was doing. He's gonna make my brother drink from me and with my blood running down my hand I can see his eyes fighting to stay red, he doesn't want to do it and is refuseing to do so. He laughs at my brothers attempt to fight the hunger, as I am pulled closer his eye color starts to fade away. Tears run down my bruised face while Emmett puts my hand under Alec's nose and pulls back when his eye turn fully black. I get thrown across the room and hit the dresser hard, I can feel the blood running down the front of my face. Emmett and Alice leave with Edward and lock the door, Rose pulls my brother towards the open window as he fights her, when she's on the ledge she says one thing before letting Alec go "feel free to scream" she then jumps out and shuts the window. In a second Alec is close to my face and pulls me up off the floor by my throat, I have tears running down my face as he gets closer to my face "Your the sweetest smelling human I have ever come upon, I think I will enjoy this." he whispers into my ear and he kisses my neck, it sends chills up my spine as I feel his teeth move across my skin, he's about to bite when I use my gift and he screams in pain, I ran for the door trying to open it but It's stuck I can hear Edward, Esme, and Carlisel calling my name. "PLEASE HELP ME!!! OPEN THE DOOR, PLEASE!!!! HE'S GETTING UP!!!" I scream as I bang on the door, I hear it crack as I am turned around and in Alec's arms. I scream and the cracking becomes louder, Alec smiles at me and pulls me to his face and says " I'm sorry" and bites down into my neck. I scream as he holds me to the wall drainning me of blood as the door breaks he is thrown off me and I fall to the floor, everything is red. The floor, the walls, even my clothes and stained with my own blood as it leaks out of my body. I feel another bite and fire burns through my body as I scream, I hear Alec crying and screaming my name. I open my eyes one last time and see my brother sitting above me saying over and over again that he's sorry, venoum is pooling in his eyes and his hair fell into his face. I reach out my hand and move it to the side as my vision fades I smile at my brother and his smile is the last thing i see before I leave this place. Goodbye to all I fear it may be forever.

Alec's POV

She lay screaming when I woke, laying in pools of her own blood, crying. It was my fault, I caused my sister this tourcher and pain. I ran to her and fell to my knees as she started to still, I bit her again but, inserting venoum. Her screams where my joy until they faded and she opened her eyes, I screamed over and over I was sorry and sobbing the whole time, she reached up and pushed my bangs out of my face, I grabbed her hand in mine as she smiled at me. She forgave me, I smiled my true smile, the one she loves the most. As her hand fell out of mine and her eyes closed she knew that I loved her. An I shall love her till the end of my life, my life. I can't live my life without her, my sweet wounderful sister that will no matter what I do Love and forgive me and if she can't be with me then I will go with her. I heard the Cullens running up stairs, I pulled my lighter out of my pocket and began to bring it towards my face when I was pinned to the wall by Edward "WHAT ARE YOU DOING!!! LET ME GO, I HAVE TO BE WITH HER!!! I CAN'T LEAVE HER ALONE!!!" I screamed at him while Carlisel took my sister away, I yelled and fought until I couldn't anymore and dropped to the floor, barring my head into my knees I sobbed into them and could feel Edwards sit next to me. "I...I did it, I killed my sister!!!" I told him, "NO Alec, you saved her. Yes, you did drink her but it wasn't your falut it was the others and when you regained yourself you injected her with venoum and she has a very good chance of making it. All me have to do is wait, come on lets go get revenge on the people who did this to her ." he says I nod and fallow him down stairs and paralize the Cullen children and take the box, Edward puts them in the basement and comes and sits on the couch with me as we look over the box. I had 2 letters on it, both "J's" on the middle of the box interlocking to form a lock. It needs a key and I know the only other person besides Jasper but sadly she is in a coma or transformation. I will open this box and find out what was SOO important that they had to go to such extremes to get it. "I know how to open it." I tell Edward and his eyes almost pop out of his head, "Then tell me or open it!!!" he screams. "No, not until the only other person who can open this wakes up." I tell him and his face drops as he runs off up to Carlisel's study, It's good because it gives me time to put on the key, Jane had it and when I held her hand she gave it to me to protect. She's going to be the one to open this with me, I put only the chain and hide it under my shirt and hold it close to my heart. She trusted me with this, before she left me she trusted the person who made her that way to protect a thing that ment a lot to her. An if it's important to her it's important to me and I will protect it with my life. Like my lovely sister,                                                                                                                                                                                               Jane

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