Chapter 1: Activation

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      Everyday I look down at my right wrist, to the watch I was given and wonder if one day it might glow. After my military training, life has went downhill for me. After the Green Poison took Manhattan by storm after Black Friday, It became worse. I was the only lucky one in the family to not catch it, only to be watching my wife and children die to the most deadliest disease the world has ever seen. Riots broke out, and quickly the streets became a damn war-zone. Though my watch never glowed, even when things seemed they couldn't get any worse.
     Trying to live life normally became a challenge after losing everything to the Green Poison. My friends are gone, my family is dead, and yet people still think there is hope for the neighboring city. Living in Brooklyn, with Manhattan not even 10 miles away from me, the bridges were blown up when the Green Poison killed off about 3/4's of the population. Truthfully there shouldn't be any hope left in people at this point.
      I go into the kitchen to get something to eat when I feel my watch vibrate against my wrist. I look down to it to see the circle around the watch glow orange. Looking around as if I'm in a daze I feel panicked, not knowing how to react. Quickly I run up the stairs and grab my MP5, and my Military M9 pistol, quickly throwing on the Vest, Backpack, Knee pads, Holster, and the Gloves I was given after my training. Putting on the jacket I was given, and putting on my Pom Pom beanie and running back down the stairs. I never know what to expect after what happened with the disease, but I know now that I must do what I was trained to do, be a member of The Division.

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