The First Adventure

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A/N: This story was a school project with memes and references. Today I would like to share it with you. Enjoy.

Once upon a time, in the messed up place we call Society, we find Pete Wentz and Brendon Urie enjoying a Twenty Øne Piløts concert. Pete bumps into Brendon while jumping up and down, listening to his favorite song Forest.

"Yo, what are trying to do boi?" Brandon says.

"Uhm... d-dancing?" Pete replies with a scared look on his face. Brandon realizes that he has no friends, he is the only band member left of Panic! At The Disco and decides to pop his question.

"Will you...join my band?" Pete is shocked.

"I'm in a band already and my love, Patrick Stump, would get salty, but we can still be friends." Brendon with a sad look on his face, relizes he finally has a friend. His frown slowly turns into a smile and and says,

"That's dope."

The next day at school, they see each other.

"Hey I didn't know you went here," says Pete.

"Wow, I guess I was being to sad at not having friends to relize," Brendon replied. As they talk they her a familiar but hated voice. They turn around to see the INTERNETS on their phones talking about the new Patrick meme.

"Patrick is mine you scum!" Pete yells as be runs down the hallway towards the girls, Brendon closely behind him. As they burst through the school doors, and out into the cool, crisp fall air. Brendon, still trying to catch is breath, says,

"You hate the INTERNETS too? They always call me mean names."

"Oh, yeah they are total jerks. Everyone always follows whatever they say. I've been called 'Emo Pepe Wentz' since 2005. What do they call you?"

"Well...they call me... 'Giant Forehead'," Brandon says sadly.

Pete looks up with tears his eyes and says, "I think this is the beginning of a. Beautiful friendship."


Black walls as dark as a soul, multiple band posters, and everything else covered in memes. Pete leads Brendon into his room. They wait down at Pete's computer, and instinctively open Twitter. They scroll and scroll and scroll and scroll and scroll through the feed. When they conveniently randomly land on a tweet from the internets:

"Ha. Looks like @giantforehead and @emopepewentz are friends now. I guess losers come in pairs." Pete reads.

"Great now they are making fun of us twice as much as they used to." Brenden says.


Pete's face lights up as he opens is messages. "@theoriginalrarepepe, who is that?" Brenden asked. They both read the message:

Attention Pete and Brenden:
I have been watching you for quite some time now. I am the reason you have become friends. I have job for you to do. I need you, the memeiest people, to save my beloved Doot. He has been taken from me by Dan and Phil. They ashamed that their ship us not as glorious as ours. He will be found in the deepest, darkest parts of you school. You have 3 days. Save him, and you will be rewarded. With a lifetime of memes!

Pete and Brenden looked one another."Lifetime of memes?", Brenden says.

"LET'S DO IT!" They exclaimed. Brenden and Pete stay up all nightcplanning how they were going to be able to explore third school, without getting caught. After hours and hours of leaning over a map of the school, they finally have completely planned their ideas and decided to got to bed at 5am.


"Are you sure this is going to work," asks Pete.

"Its got to! We only have 3 days" They are walking to school together, and it is unusually quiet on the way there. "Where is every body?" , Brendon asks. Pete shrugs as they walk up to the main entrance of the school. They see the shiny, white letters of the schools, name written above them *The Most Basic Of Middle Schools*.

As Brendon still stares up at the beautiful letters, Pete looks at the front door, "Dude! It's Thanksgiving Break!

"Wait, what? Your Joking right?", Brendon says. *BING* Pete pulls out his phone and reads. It's from Rare Pepe: P.S. I left the school doors unlocked to help you get started. * Poop/Ice cream emoji*  Brendon pushes the door open with a giant smile on his face. They start to roam the halls going through every door they can. They walk and walk for hours. At around 1 P.M. Pete says, "I'm hungry, let's go find the cafeteria. Is it just me or is the school a lot bigger than usual?" As Brendon turns to reply he runs straight into a tree.

"What the heck?" Suddenly the entire school has turned into a jungle. Thick dense trees with brightly colored flowers all around them. Vines are covering the ground. "What's happened," Pete asks. *BING*  Pete pulls out his phone, " Another tweet from Rare Pepe.' Looks like you have found the jungle. You have 2 days left. Have fun!'' Pete sighed. "Well, at least we're where we're supposed to be."

"I'm still hungry though," Brendon growled as this unlikely pair looked of into the horizon of the indoor jungle. They worry about what this school has in store for them.

For the next 36 hours Pete and Brendon are trekking through this giant forest. At a random tree trunk they find a map of the entire school! Brendon sees the map and says, "Woah! Pete come look! It's a map of the school!" As he reaches to grab the map, a humongous squirrel comes out of thin air and starts attacking Brendon's hand. "AHHHHH! PETE HELP!" Pete spins around and pulls out his extremely sharp pinky finger. He starts to swing his hand madly around to try and grab the squirrel. Brendon still spinning around madly, on Pete's 5th swing he finally hits the squirrel. 

MEEEAAAAAAAHHH," goes the squirrel, as it flies through the air and goes through a hole in a tree. Brendon clutching his hand turns to Pete and says, "Well at least we got the map!"

*BING* "One hour left'. We are only 7 minutes away! This adventure has been a piece of cake!", Pete says excitedly. Brendon smiles widely back at him,  

"It's been a big journey and I'm glad I've spent it with you." 

"Aww thanks man me-", Pete walks right into a very large egyptian like building, "Where the heck did this come from! I"M TIRED OF WALKING INTO STUFF." As Brendon starts to walk up the steps to explore, out of nowhere the INTERNETS comes out from behind a bush.

 "HA! YOU THOUGHT YOU COULD GET TO DOOT. THE INTERNETS KNOW EVERYTHING!!!!", they scream, as they pull Doot out from behind their bush.

"hALP," says Doot. Then, a giant golden light shines down from the sky, destroying the INTERNETS, and barely missing Doot. 

"IT WAS YOU! AS KING OF MEMES AND THE INTERNET! HOW DARE YOU THINK YOU CAN OUT-SMART ME!", says the Rare Pepe as he appears from the clouds. He slowly glides down to the ground. A short green frog with golden speckles and big bulging eyes, he is quite handsome. "Thank you boys for helping me defeat such a horrible thing. And thank you for searching for my beloved Doot," he says and Doot runs into Rare Pepe's arms. "You have been a great service to me. I will reward you more than a lifetime of memes..... I will..... MAKE YOU MEMES!" 

*Pete and Brendon turn into emo pepe wentz and forehead.* "WOOWOOAAAGAHAHHA WE ARE MEMES!", screams emo pepe wentz and forehead. And the moral of the story is, always trust your memes. THE END.

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