One Shot - As The World Falls Down

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As the world fell down, you were not here, by my side. The sky was cracking, and the ground was shaking. But still, you weren't here, by my side. I waited and waited, forever and ever. Hundreds, thousands, millions of years. 

Oh, how I wish to see your beautiful face once more. Doesn't matter how long it takes, as long as I see my dear precious. Doesn't matter if the sky was falling or the world was ending. All I wanted, was to meet you again. Was it too much to ask for? Am I being too selfish? All there is, are endless questions, with no answers at all. 

I'm lying down now, on the green green grass. I see the grey clouds, parting, weaving, breaking. Rain is coming down, and a drizzle is starting. Droplets form and fall. They land on my face, and trickle down my cheek. They land on my eyes, but it's not painful. I feel nothing anymore, but only longing for you. 

The sky darkens, and the cracks widen even more. The ground mirrors it. I do nothing, and waits for the world to swallow me up. Thick vines grow, bringing up dirt with it. They entangle my body, and the dirt flies into my eyes. Sudden pain erupts, all over by body. I scream and struggle. I don't feel like i'm lying on the soft grass anymore, it's so painful. Instead of grass, I feel like i'm on pins, needles, and all the other sharp things that exist in this cruel world without you.

The world finally swallows me up. I'm falling now, in this deep, deep, dark abyss. I don't feel the pain anymore, so I don't struggle. But there's no light at all, no hope, nothing. Just falling, falling, in this dark abyss. 

Fingers and hands suddenly starts to grab on my arms, legs, and everywhere else. I can't see them, but the sharp fingernails of theirs scratch, dig and tear at my skin, reciting the same cruel pain felt before. I don't scream this time. 

Blood gathers and soak through my clothing. They drip down my arms, my fingertips, to finally end up falling towards the bottom of the darkness. But still, they don't stop. The monsters continue to tear, and dig into my skin, into my flesh. 

I closed my eyes, and wait for the fall to break. It finally does, and I came to an abrupt stop. My back crashes onto the deep underground floor, yet my bones do not break. I can see the owner of the monstrous claws now, they take humane body shapes, yet they don't look humane at all. Their faces were flat, with no facial features present, except for a wide sharp mouth, with sharp sharp teeth. 

Red blood trickles out of their mouth, and even more follows when they open their mouth, to speak words to me. 

"DoN't be afRAID, we're hEre to HELp yoU." They say to me, with gurgled words, and unstable pitch.

"CoMe hERe, CoMe HERe, don't RUN awAy. It'll ONly HURT for a liTTLe while, then YoU wiLl bE sAnE agAIn. So, coMe hERe, coMe HEre, let mE hELp CURE yOu." 

It wasn't one single voice that ringed, but several from one. Voices of all sorts, children, adults and the elderly. Several monsters surrounded me, with their inhuman hands clawing and tearing towards me, but not reaching, and instead to reach at nothing, but the cold air. I get up, and start to run. 

Pain shoots up my legs once more, so painful that I fall and tumble. I look back, to see the monsters chasing me. I couldn't walk, or run, so I crawl. Everything is so so painful and every single particle of my body hurts. My head, my joints, my heart. All I wish, was to see you again. Are these the consequences I have to pay, in return to touch you once more?

I crawl and crawl, slowly, slowly, painfully. The veins in me burn and boil. Yet, the monsters don't seem to care, and continue chasing after me. 

They finally reach. They stand above me, and look down. The smile they held look so cold, so frightening, with no emotion held. 

"We FoUNd YOu!!!!!" The monsters shout, and dive down to devour me. 

Darkness engulfs me again. I see nothing. My vision is lost. Maybe, just maybe, I will see you now? I have endured so very much. I want to let go now, let go of everything, and just be with you. I yearn for you so much, my heart aches and throbs. I live for you, yet I cannot even be by your side. 

A sudden bright light flashes. It's so pure, and held no darkness. I open my eyes. Tears are streaming down my cheeks. For the first time in this long lonely time, I held emotion once more. I look around, I'm lying down in a pure white space that is endless. I turn my head and see you, with a soft smile directed towards me. 

"I'm here, so don't cry anymore." The voice I long for so much is finally here, by my side, here with me. His hands touch my face and gently wipes away my tears. I smile back softly, and hold my dear's hands. I can finally let go now, of everything I ever owned. I don't long anymore, as you're finally here with me, by my side. 

"You're finally here." I whisper, and close my teary eyes forever, as I feel my memories and everything else wash away. 

Um, hello. Author of 'As The World Falls Down' here. I hope you received the message I was trying to send across in this One Shot. If you don't get it, which I think is most people so far (ahaha, failed. T-T) I will explain it. In exchange for the votes on this book get at least to a 100. (Lol, I feel like that's impossible right now. XD)

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