0.1: The Man with Jet Black Hair

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16 years ago
Melanie's P.O.V

I looked out the window to see it was still down pouring rain. I sighed and continued coloring in my book. I was interrupted by my mom placing a sandwich where my hands had been. "I'm not hungry" I said pushing the plate forward, looking up into her crystal blue eyes "you need to eat something, Melanie, your dad's gonna be home soon, you don't have to wait for him, you know" she sat down beside me pushing the plate back to its original place, I glanced at her then turned my attention back to the plate and pushed it away from me again, "I'm not Hungry" I repeated myself. She sighed at My actions and picked up the plate. I watched as she took the plate and put saran wrap over the top of it and placed it in the fridge.

I was about to start coloring again when a loud banging came from the front door, I knew it wasn't my dad, but still, the curiosity lurked into my 7-year-old brain. I slowly rose from my spot and crept around the corner from the kitchen, watching my mom open the door to a man, he was tall, he had a scar that marked the side of his face. The man had jet black hair, he wore a black suit, like my dad wore to work.

I watched my mother's movements, they weren't normal, she seemed scared, nervous. Nodding her head she let the strange man into our house. I watched as they moved into the living room, then they were out of my sight. Not even a minute later I heard my mom's voice "would you like some coffee?" Her voice shaky, I assumed the man had nodded cause I heard my mother's footsteps enter the kitchen.

I was almost about to say something when she put her finger to her lips and shook her head, I nodded in response. I watched my mother grab a pen and a notepad, she wrote a long note on the paper. When she finally finished she handed it to me, the note read: Mellie, I need you to go to the panic room quietly, and do not let anyone in no matter what, if anything happens to call the police, Melanie my sweet princess remember I love you always remember you are beautiful and smart, never let anyone tell you different.
Xoxo mama

Tears fell down my cheek I looked up to my mom from the note and shook my head, she looked at me with tears threatening to spill, she pulled me into a hug my head resting on her chest. She kissed my head and then pulled me away from her body so I could look at her, then mouthed the words "I love you so much" with that she pointed to the pantry door. I rushed to the pantry door, I glanced back at my mother one last time already had two cups in her hands, I blew a kiss to her, she nodded at me to go on and exited the room.

I waited in the panic room, listening to there mumbling from the other room. Since I was under the floorboards I could only hear their voices I couldn't make out the words that were being said. I wondered who the man was and why my mother was so scared. It hadn't been very long until I heard the front door opening and closing followed by heavy footsteps, then a moment of excitement rushed through my 7-year-old body when I heard my father's voice sound through the house. The same thing happened to my father I could not hear a word he said. But what happens next, I heard loud and clear, the sound of a gunshot echoed through out the house, followed by my mother scream. Then a second gunshot sounded then followed by a loud thump.

I couldn't stand any longer, I tried screaming but nothing came out only a soft whimper. The hot tears burned my cheeks as they rolled down my face. Everything in my gut was telling me that it wasn't what I thought it was and that my mom or dad would open the door and cuddle me, telling me that everything was gonna be okay, I sat on one of the chairs in the room, crossing my legs, I waited for my mom to come get me. she never came, neither did my dad, instead, a cop found me. the cop placed his hands on my shoulders, "My name is Officer Lance, can you tell me yours?" he asked "Melanie" I said, my voice quiet and shaky "Okay Melanie, how about we go get some of your clothes packed up then we can go down to the station, and some people are gonna ask you some questions, is that okay" he asked I nodded "alright, lets get you out of here" he said standing up and holding out his hand out for me to take.

Once I had everything packed Officer Lance took me downstairs, we went out the back assuming he didn't want me seeing my parents. When we arrived at the station, officer lance had a man with green eyes question me, the man was very kind he had slicked back black hair, he wore a uniform just like officer lance. he asked many questions, every question harder than the next, but after a long time the man had asked his last question and the hard part was over. After the man had finished writing whatever he needed to, Officer Lance made his way back to where I was seated, he knelt down to my eye level giving me a reassuring smile "so, Melanie, you mentioned you saw the man who shot your parents?" officer Lance asked, I nodded in reply officer Lance nodded at someone behind me, soon after he did a women pulled up a chair in front of me. She had a wide smile and bright blue eyes, her hair was pulled back into a tight ponytail, her hair was long and chestnut brown. "Melanie this is Rosalie, she is going to ask you a few questions of what the man, you saw this afternoon, looked like" I nodded in reply. "does this look like the man you saw?" Rosalie asked i nodded "exactly like him" I replied Rosalie nodded and handed the drawing to officer lance, I watched as he assigned people to look for the man.

Nothing felt right to me anymore, nothing was ever going to feel right to me. "We are going to find him, we will do whatever it takes" officer Lance said trying to assure me that I was gonna be okay. I waited for an awhile until an officer came back, but he wasn't alone. The women that stood beside him had long curly Auburn hair, she stood not to much taller then officer lance, her eyes were a grassy green and she wore a thin layer of lip gloss. "Hello Melanie, my name is Jodie Baker, I run the Gotham Orphanage" she started holding her hand out for me to shake, I took it hesitantly. Jodie sat down and told me what was going to happen to me when she was sure I understood everything, Jodie extended her hand "shall we go, then" she asked, I nodded but before I could go I had to say goodbye to officer lance. I swung my arms up in the air and collided with him, hugging him instantly "Goodbye, officer Lance, thank you for helping me" I stated I felt him pat my back, pushing me out of the hug and leaning to my eye level "I'm going to find this man, whatever it takes" he said sternly, I nodded, I trusted him, I know he will find the man that killed my parents.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2020 ⏰

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