Chapter 1

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(Carlotta's P.O.V)

Look where I live Compton California the heart of the Californian hoods, I didn't ask for this life it was just there.. w.e I still look good(puts on gamma 11's black skinny jeans and a black and blue crop top that Sayes Reckless Teen) grabs iPhone and car keys

Carlottas Mom: where are u going?

Carlotta:momm I'm goin to school (mumbles- I ain't got time for this shit).

Gets in the car and drives to Beverly Hills High School(the Reason why Carlotta doesn't go to Crenshaw high or Compton High is because Carlottas friend Byanca got her in with connections


walks in the School goes to locker and then sees her best friend Annabella Louboutan(yes I sayed louboutan her fathers name is Christian Louboutan)

(Bellas P.O.V)

I don't understand y JB hasn't called me ughhh I feel lik shit for still being with him. after he hits me and abuses me I still love him,she starts crying then she says

Bella: Damn a pretty Girl like me shouldn't be crying

she fixes her makeup back up and walks out the bathroom with her Gucci purse in hand and louboutan at toe.

Carlotta:Yo Bella

Bella:wassup mi nikka

Carlotta:nun much just....(speaks jiburis)

(cut off by the fact there's a sexy caramel man walk past her he winks at her his friend nodes his head at Bella and mouthed the words dammmmn she fine)


Carlotta:You seen wat I seen too.

Bella: yep his friend was fine asf

Carlotta: Bella stfu. I was talkin bout the one in the middle the caramel one, besides Bella u Better stop lookin at that sexy milk chocolate boy for JB come how long have y'all been together btw.

Bella: 2yrs girl I think he cheating on me

Carlotta:Girl he probably is I think he's cheating on u with the hoe twins Holly And Heather.

Byanca comes....

Byanca:wats up wit lotta, Bella.

Bella:Nothing she just hadd a sexy nikka attack you know

Byanca: I guess..

The Three girls get to there seperate class

Teacher: Miss.Rodriguez ur late take it seat

Carlotta: umm teach I was just outside the class so technically I was in class.

Teacher:Miss.Rodriguez just shut up

Carlotta: Se cierra una mierda de grasa pice de mierda que el fuck te crees que me de cerrar

Class and the teacher:WHAT???

Carlotta: Be glad you don't know what the hell I just sayed.

Teacher:calm down and just do your work

(August p.o.v)-

Damnn Baby Baddd asf from the dimples to that booty to them gamma11's damn let me holla at ha.

August passes a note to Lotta, the note Sayes....


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