when stars collide

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Why does he have this effect on me? I'm not a real movie buff and I wanted to say no but I just couldn't, I mean there he was looking at me with those gorgeous hazel brown eyes, his soft caramel skin, and those slender fingers touched my hand sending instant pleasure down my body!

"What do you say, Andy ?"

He asked me that sexy bass voice. Oh my goodness, he is stunning. At 54 he looks 20, I was born five years after his hit movie "Purple." He is such gentleman. I can't believe how much I find him amazing.

I wanted to say I have a better idea why don't we go over to your studio, and you could tell me all about what you love because I want to learn from you! The art of seduction maybe?

Serious, quiet and shy, there's something quiet about him, it's like he's thinking about musical notes in his head, so this makes me wonder is that what it is?

Prince POV

She's my ideal type. She Reminds me of a girl I met back in high school. Wow, how time flies and now some people say I'm too old for her, if only they knew how much I adore her singing. I mean we have just met, but I've been following her for a while on YouTube.

I listen enough, and he talks about how she wants to see her name appear on the big screen and big lights and how she left her little town in northern California for the bricks bright city of Hollywood but Honestly I just want to hear her scream my name. Will she scream my name?

She continues speaking about her time back home and all the things she did in Cameroon, and I am enthralled. But once again looking into her beautiful brown eyes, I wonder could she be mine? What would she feel like laying down with me under the stars? So I decided to test her.

"Andy?" I asked in a calm voice.

She answers In a soft voice, her beautiful big brown eyes looking directly into mine. "yes."

"How would you like to join us on tour?" She looks at me innocence in her beautiful eyes, her face breaks into a gorgeous smile. I love her smile, oh my I can't wait to wrap her in my arms to let her know what it feels like when stars collide!

"I thought we were just going to see a movie?" She says with a bright smile as she breaks into a cute laugh. "Plus, I don't think I am quite ready for that yet" she responds, as she breaks into a nervous laugh as she runs her fingers through her natural curls.

"Why are you nervous? you did great on open mic!"

"Yes but you are a genius!"

She said. I replied:

"An artist is always learning that's the key to longevity I learn from you, and you learn from me how about it?"


I was blown away by his words; it left me no choice but to agree. I watch as he tenderly takes my hand and gives it a kiss.

So what do you say "Andy shall we tour America together?"

I nod my head and bite my lower lip. He is quite the charmer! I am ready for what the world has in store. A smirk forms on his smooth face.

"So that settles it, we will go to the movies then you would join us on tour, it's going to be great!" He said biting his lower lip.

I thought to myself Andy are you ready for this? Are you willing to be in his world? You guys tell me what you think? 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 12, 2016 ⏰

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