The Encounter

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"Give my my freeze-ray" I said a little louder than expected. I couldn't help but smile inwardly at the amount of fierceness that bled into my tone. "Stop it Hayley, focus" the little voice in my head said.

Too late. He had already aimed a punch at my head. Instantly I felt a pain force its way through me. I quickly brought my hand to my nose and wiped the blood that had spilled there. I looked up, anger evident in my eyes. He looked at me and rolled his eyes, "Feisty, are we?" He taunted.

I crouched down and pretended to be in intense pain. He walked closer and as soon as he did, I kicked him where the sun doesn't shine anymore. He made a funny face and groaned in pain while holding the spot I had just kicked.

"Why you little!" He said and aimed to punch me once more. I was too fast for him and ducked while I grabbed his hands and twisted them with as much force as possible. He kicked my ankle and I cursed loudly. I kneed him in the stomach, shoved him on the ground, kept my foot on his head. I didn't press on his head too much in case I hurt him severely. You see, even though the O.S. and E.S.A are not the best of friends, my father warned us to never hurt an E.S.A spy. It wasn't their fault they had turned out to what they were today, working in an organization like that sounded stressful. He also said that they had probably agreed to work in the E.S.A. because of something traumatic that happened in the past. He said that they probably wanted revenge on the world for being so cruel to them. I was distracted from my thoughts by the sound of something being clicked. I turned around and there he was, looking triumphant ad holding a "NightBlaster 34" in his hand. The NightBlaster 34" was one of the most advanced of the electro guns.

"Really! That's not fair" I whined

He looked at me as if I was trash,laughed and replied "Well life isn't very fair,now is it?"

He pulled its trigger and I ducked to dodge the electric blue and purple spark that flew over my head.

He looked mad and was about to pull back the trigger of his electro gun, but a noise from his earpiece made him stop. He kept the gun pointed at me and threw my freeze ray at me as if its was a virus. I glared at him and proceeded to pick it. As soon as I did and looked up back, he was gone and all I could hear was the fading growling of the engine of a motorcycle.

"Great, I let him get away" I thought angrily.

"Hayley, are you okay?" Cherie and my brother yelled at me while running towards me.

"I'm fine, just a few bruises, that's all" I replied, hoping they wouldn't overreact. Thankfully they didn't. They just engulfed me in a huge group bear hug. I couldn't help but laugh into their arms. I loved my crazy brother and even crazier best friend.

"Now let's get you back home so we can take care of those bruises" Dylan said giving me a sad smile. I wondered if he felt bad for not being there for me.

"Hey,its ok, its not your fault he attacked me" I said reassuringly

He smiled and Cherie gave me another hug.

"Now let's get you home Ms. Accident Prone" Dylan said laughing. I punched him on the shoulder and Cherie giggled.

I'll be safe at home, no more fighting, just me, popcorn, Mr. Fluffy Paws and Netflix. Right? Well,that's what I hoped.

Author's Note
I hoped you enjoyed this chapter, I know it was short, but remember, I have a life too. (But its mainly because I have tons of tests😅☺😊) Anyway, I hoped you enjoyed this chapter. Don't forget to share, comment, vote and follow. I love you guys soooooooo much.

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