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World is filled with happiness we should live every moment of our life like a festival. We should be strong and we should be happy.

Sounds beautiful to me but is it possible for hundreds of millions of hungry people?

Are they going to understand the philosophy of life given by the greatest thinkers of our time with empty stomach?

Do we really care people or most of us only talking and in reality living our life with selfishness?

We are called as modern human but in reality we are not able to feed more than 50% of our kind.

And it's just for our kind what harm we did to the nature is beyond the selfishness of humans.

It's good to be positive and there are so many people who are helping others and there are infinite things to smile but is it a truth or we are just trying to become optimistic.

we made rule that whenever we see problems of others we say have faith everything would be fine. God is watching and from a very positive line we start ignoring the problems of our society and made as much as harm we can make and ignore the issue with optimism. What would this world become if we stop becoming optimist or pessimist and try to see things as they are.

I stop here and letting you to think what would be our world become if we are more realistic then to be anything else.

When you would imagine and reach to the point where you can find out the answer of this questions I believe in that moment you touched life of those ignored human being and we will make this world beautiful not for some people but for everyone.

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