Is this the end

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Sora:Today was the day when me and riku go to battle with not only the heartless but Xemnas.we were getting ready when we were ambushed i was attacked from behind and riku came to help me we were surrounded and low on hp.i only had one potion and it was me or riku. I saw riku struggling to fight so i started to think of the times we had and my love for him. Before they could give a finale blow i attacked and gave riku the potion. I saw him gain strength. I was so relived that i let my guard down and i got attacked. I fell to the ground knowing what was to come. My sight was blurry but i could hear something a voice calling out to me saying "hang in there sora don't give up" it was riku he protected me. Suddenly axel and the others came to help.
Riku:i ran to Sora's side and lifted his head sora why did u.... *Its my duty as the chosen one to protect others..i said with a low voice*. But your going to...i couldn't hold back my tears they started to fall on his checks. *Riku don't worry I'm not dying ill be back someday i don't know when but ill be back for u to fight by your side once more*. Ill wait here for you no matter how long it takes sora... I saw him smile but then he closed his eyes and went limp in my arms.i couldn't hold back anymore. I started to cry holding sora's body close to me. When i finally was able to get up i carried him to the others. Today a good friend and a brave soul has been lost. When he will return we may never know.

Well this was my first story so give me hints your thoughts I'm always open to new ideas and I'm thinking of making another part soon thanks

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