To Wish for a Rose (On Hold)

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Author's Note: Ok, so I decided to have my first Wattpad story be a kind of "love" story, but it's different than your average cliches. It's not even really about love, it's about life. But, yeah, there will be some gushy crap, but not til later, (lol... they won't even meet until the middle....) and it won't really be gushy, cuz that's not me. Moe is cute, but not how I write. I like realistic stuff. (Besides the fact that fantasy books are by far my FAVE genre....) In fact, this is the second story I had in mind for Wattpad, the first was a fantasyish one, but it isn't ready yet, I want to improve my writing skills before I do that one. :T ....

Okayz, so let us commence. Get ready for a rollercoaster of a story. Cough.


                                             Beginning of August: Heather 

     I got my parking pass today. It's the first time I'll be able to drive to school, even though I had my liscence last year. My family isn't poor or anything like that, I just happen to have an older sister who went to college nine hours away last year, and needed the car herself. But she's a senior in college now, med school, and she's finally bought her own car. Which means that I get to drive the old '93 Honda Accord, with it's obnoxious red coloring, and layer of dirt from years past.

     Most people usually dread the start of school, but I'm actually pretty excited. It's going to be my senior year, and Sammy, my sister, says its the best year ever, and I'll make some amazing memories. I've already made great ones so far, but I'm still looking forward to it.

     I am a senior at Johnston High, home of the Bulldogs. You might call me one of the popular kids, I play varsity soccor, and most of my friends are the athletic or popular type. We ran the school last year, and this year will be no different. Although, I haven't seen a lot of my friends for a while. My family went on a three-week long vacation to Florida at the beginning of summer, and Sammy's been home for the summer, so I spent most of my time with her. And because I haven't seen my friends much, going to the school to get my parking pass was a little wierd for me. Some have changed a lot, more than I'd thought they would.

                                                         -- -- -- -- -- -- --

     "Heather!!!" My friend, Kara, rushed over and hugged me, grinning broadly. "You're getting your pass?! Awesome! No more mooching off of Lili or Jason, huh?"

     "Haha, nope! I'm a lone rider, now!" I laughed, joking with her.

     "Oh my gosh, I know, right? Driving is great, and now we get senior priviliges! I'm super-super excited! You know, we should hang out more!"

    Um, okay... "Yeah, I know!" I grinned. On the outside, I was the same as I had been junior year, bubbly, happy, and fun. But on the inside, my mind was struggling to absorb what was going on around me. The laid-back summer I'd had didn't help any when dealing with Kara's uber outgoing attitude. And I was still trying to take in how much she'd changed.

    Kara had always been pretty. But now, she was a barbie, plain and simple. Her sun-kissed skin glowed to perfection. Her long, wavy, blonde hair was straightened and hung down her back flawlessly. Her makeup was perfectly applied, accentuating her striking turquoise eyes, and she was so skinny, she looked like a stick. She looked fake, though and I couldn't help but worry. What had happened?

     Next to her, I looked like a boring old plain Jane. My pale skin is tanned, sure, but it's by no means perfect, with a couple faint recovering sunburns here and there. My honey colored hair falls to just past my shoulders, still with its natural curl. I wore some makeup to accent my blue-gray eyes, but not too much, because I figured I would only be there for about ten minutes. I'm skinny too, but not almost-anorexic like Kara. I'm also about 5'7", so Kara looked more refined, being three inches taller. I felt absoluty inferior.

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⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2012 ⏰

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