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Jacob: hey my name is Jacob I'm 17 and I go to tech high school I have one sister. Im gay.  And yea bye

Chresanto:hey I'm Chresanto or chres I'm18 go to tech high school I'm gay I got  a brother and a sister

Erika:hey my name is Erika I'm15 I go to tech high school I got a brother his name chresanto and I got another brother his name ray

Ray:hey my name ray I'm 18 I got a brother and sister Erika and chresanto I'm at tech high and yea shit

Miranda: Miranda here the baddest bitch alive I can steal her man (see what I did lmao) I'm16 I go to tech high school and yea. Time to steal somebody man

Mike: hey my name Mike I'm18 and I'm gay I plan on doing some great things this year since it's my last by yea peace out muthafucka'ss

These are the main characters I'll add more when we get into the story haha but I hope you like this story and join me on my journey to success thank you goodbye and like I said follow,vote,invite peace

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