Ella and George

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"What are you taking about!"

"You always set me up with absolute dickheads" Beth told me.

"How was I supposed to know he was like this!"

"He's your fucking cousin you are supposed to know this kind of stuff!"

After that she slapped me. One of my best friends slapped me. Man is she mad. She stormed out of her own house.

"Babe I think she's broke my nose..." I told Blake.

"I'm going to take you to the hospital. Do you have a key to her house?"

"I'm her best friend of course I have a key." I said and he was taken by surprise.

We locked the door, got in the uber and drove straight to the hospital.

"I think my girlfriend has broken her nose and she's losing a lot of blood." Blake told the receptionist.

"Ok miss can you tell me your name?" The receptionist asked.

I felt like I was in a whirl pool. The floor kept spinning and spinning until all I could see was black.


Daisy walked straight to her house not stopping to answer me every time  I called her name. She stormed in and went straight to her bathroom.

"Daisy are you ok!" I asked her but there was no answer. George how could you be so stupid if someone is upset there not going to reply.


It had been ten minutes and I could no longer hear breathing. I started to panic.


"Daisy!!" I said.

I realised that the door was unlocked, sometimes I'm so dumb it's unbelievable. I open the door to find Daisy laying on the floor with a pool of blood around her arm.

I started crying. Beth assured me that she wouldn't commit suicide or even harm herself but I guess that even Beth didn't see this coming.

I called an uber because I can't drive yet.

"She's not breathing can someone help please!" I said carrying her over to a nurse.

"Ok everything will be ok, what relation do you have with her?"

"A friend.." I told her.

"I can tell that she means more than a friend of you so I'm Nurse McCall so if you need any updates or feeling worried just ask for me and I'll let you come straight to me and check on her." She said to me.

"Thank you so much Miss McCall"

"George?" Someone shouted me. I turned around to see Blake.

"Daisy's in here too.."

"Yeah" I replied.

"We need to tell Reece and Beth." He told me.

"I'll phone him now." I replied.

I called Reece's phone and told him that Ella and Daisy were both in hospital and he had something to tell me and it was about Jake. What could be worse than what has already happened.

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