1. I Just Have to Have It!

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It's just another typical day in my small town of Hexaville and I'm stuck helping my friend Cannon with another one of his stunts.

"Nacho!!...you have to aim the camera towards me in order to capture this amazing act. You can't just be dozing off into space like that!"

"Oh yeah...right...sorry about that."

I quickly adjust the camera and point it in Cannon's direction.

Normally, I don't mind helping Cannon out with his stunts but today, I'm bored outta my mind. I want to go out and do something today....but I don't have anything in mind right now.

"OKAY!!...Recording in 3...2...1..." I yell slightly.

"HELLO LITTLE PEEPS!!! This is Cannon again and today, I will be doing another one of my super spectacular awesome stunts!!!"

"Today's stunt consists of me doing a triple backflip off of this swing and landing on this little trampoline."

He pointed to the swing and then to the miniature trampoline he had set up a few feet away from the swing.

"After that, I will bounce from the trampoline to that skateboard and perform a few new tricks that I literally learned a few hours ago so LET'S DO THIS!!!"

Cannon ran to the swing and swung for as high as he could before flipping off at the highest point.

I was impressed that he was really able to do the triple backflip.
He did tell me that he would practice it until he had it down packed.
Cannon is always dedicated when it comes to his stunts.

"Nacho!!! Didja catch that???" He asks eagerly while jumping on the trampoline.

I nod my head.

I didn't want to speak during the recording.

The stunt was cut short when Cannon messed up jumping from the trampoline to the skateboard.
He was able to make the jump but he slipped almost immediately after landing on the skateboard.

"Hey Can...are you okay??" I asked while running towards him.

"You know me...I'm always good. A little pain ain't gonna stop me."
"It's just a minor setback for a major comeback." He states.

"Well as long as you didn't hurt yourself like you did that last time cause that was a hassle."

"Yeah yeah....Mannnnn I just wish I didn't slip like that. I worked hard trying to perfect this stunt and ended up messing up on one of the easier parts."

"Looks like you need to work on your balance....Nothing in your stunt looked easy from my perspective." I say.

"Yeah...well let's call it one for right now. You've been helping me out for a good minute and my leg kinda hurts now."

"That's what's up. I was wondering when I would get a break from filming."

"So what's the plan Nach?" Cannon asks me.

"You were dozing off a lot so I figured that you probably wanted to do something else."

"Oh...I do but I just can't think of anything right now.... How about we go see what Spike is up to."
I suggest.

"He's probably at the library again reading and studying...You know how he is."

"Then let's go!!! I'm pretty sure Spike can help us think of something fun to do...he's smart."

"Okay....but I don't want to be long in the library...it makes me tired."

"I wasn't planning on actually going in the library cause we can't talk in there, you know that. We could talk to him outside of the library."

Nacho's Crazy Adventures: Trouble With KandiWhere stories live. Discover now