Lost Files: From the Bottom

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Old story I ended up deleting.





"You are your own Heaven, you are your own Hell. Nobody else but you." --- Osho





"Do you know who that is?" His best friend Niko pointed towards the table with the brown skinned guy with a hat on. Beside him was a light skinned boy with a huge afro with Prada shades on.

Ej didn't care. He was too tired to give a damn about Niko and her antics.

"No. Who is it?" He played along. As the new shift started getting rowdy in the damp dark restaurant/bar. Ej missed living in Baltimore. Catonsville county was like a whole 'nother hick town. It was barely an hour from the city and yet it's like you're walking into a Hill Billy convention. Niko had been his friend for years and had moved into a cheap apartment with him there. He loved the peace and quiet....but missed the litness of the city. Ej was in a permanent lull. Niko kept him hype at times because she always has fresh ideas and a fun spirit. And still, it didn't matter to him....everything about his job and new living place irritated him.

"That's Diddys new duo : M2P. The one with the hat is Mike , the other is Prince. They were with this guy named Walter and he was--"...She cut her self off cause Ej was fake snoring, playing sleep and she slapped his Arm.

"Who cares? They'll taste our ordinary ass food and then dip out if they're celebs. I couldn't really care." Ej never seen any action anywhere in this goddamned place. He'd doubt they'd stay anymore than 10 minutes.

"Hello Welcome to Rustys Kitchen , can I start you guys off with some drinks?" Ej said in the most monotone voice. Mike looked up at him with a quirked up eye brow...deciding that the service here was horrible.

"There's dust on our damn table!!!" Prince shouted but it didn't matter to EJ...he was just Afro puffs. And annoying and condescending.


"There's dust everywhere. Take a look around dipshit! You're in an old ass HICK TOWN! Filled with white filthy racists so this is what the hell you get! FUCK YO TABLE!!!" Ej flipped over the table and snatched off his raggedy Yaki weave looking hair. "I KNEW this piece of shit was some dusty ass fur."

Prince stood there bald as fuck. "Give me back my toupee!!!"


That's what happened in Ejs mind.

"There's damn dust on our fuckin table. Did you not hear me?...Why the fuck did we come here Mike?" The afro haired boy sighed and pouted like a five year old.

"Excuse me..." Mikes voice came out dripping like warm water...but there was a problem. "Would you please wipe off our table...Elijah?" His huge smile beamed glancing up from his name tag. The issue was....his voice vibrated thru his entire body and Ej was completely frozen.

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