The Reveal

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They boys came out on stage looking fit as ever there was about 20,000 people here and I got to be on the front row and Be so close to them they start I perform and after a few songs it's time for them to answer some twitter questions there is a big screen behind them which means people can see all the tweets sent to one direction suddenly there was a tweet with a picture sent by Liam to the other boys there was a girl and some informantion on her the whole crowd when silent niall turn around and you could see the angry fill in his eyes. the next tweet read

@iwillloveliamforever: please bring Emily and her mate reanne out because we know she is with her Emily tweeted about it

"Would you like us to bring Emily and reanne out?" Liam ask everyone cheered zayn looked very annoyed and so did niall suddenly the two girl where being pushed out on stage they waved and the boys looked at them and there jaws dropped no one knows why because the boys didn't say anything they stayed out on stage and the next tweet was read out

@larrystylisonfan: is there any love going on between you 7

Just like it has only just been tweeted no one knew Emily and reanne would come out so it was like some one was tweeting as the show went on zayn said "well there might be between one of the girls and harry" Harry looked shocked he not know and reanne looked at Harry I got my phone out and took a photo of them looking at each other Emily just looked down as if to say she had been let down. Harry said "what do you mean in love with me?"


"Well it is quite obvious Harry your just to blind to see it" I said "who is it then" harry asked "I don't want to embaress her on stage in front of 20,000 people I will tell you later" I said the whole crowd boo'd at what I just did I looked towards Emily and she was looking down she doesn't want to reveal that she is in the middle of a love triangle because if she does she will get so much hate and she still hasn't chosen anyone to be with I have to ask niall what's going on after the show because every one is acting very strangely especially reanne Harry and Niall .


I feel dead confused because I don't know who zayn thinks i'm i love with


we all walk back stage and I tapped zayn on the shoulder and said "who do you think I am in love with?" zayn replies "reanne" I looked at him shock "why do you think that" I asked "because you have been spending so much time together and you give each other looks and reanne has spent not time with Emily just you" zayn said "I really hadn't noticed" I said to zayn zayn just shrugged his shoulders and walked away he went to talk to reanne so I went and talked to Emily I saw her on her phone and she was on twitter and suddenly she got up not saying a word and went to Liam's dressing room pushing passed zayn and reanne.


I stormed to Liam's dressing room and I pushed past zayn and reanne "EMILY STOP!!" someone shouts i didn't care who it was I was not going to stop I pushed Liam's door open the see him sitting on his sofa I walked up to him and slapped him in the face "I HATE YOU LIAM PAYNE!" I screamed niall come running in and pulled me back I made him let go of me and I ran towards his dressing room I ran in and locked the door. There was banging on the door "PLEASE COME OUT EMILY ITS ME REANNE" I unlocked the door and I walked out "come on calm down" reanne said "no I won't calm down" i said suddenly everyone comes around us Liam as well I go to punch him but he moves out the way and it hit reanne she falls back into harry's arms I move to face Liam and I push him to the floor and start punching him. zayn gets reanne a Ice pack whilst I am still on the floor with Liam suddenly niall pulls me off and I fall into his arms crying "Emily it's ok" niall says "its not ok niall that photo got out before and now it has again I will be called a world class slut thanks to Liam" I say "I need to go and see reanne" I said I walk towards reanne "are you ok i'm sorry I did that blame Liam he moved out the way it would if been a brilliant punch if he hadn't of move" I said she laugh "it's find Emily you have done it before and it didn't hurt anyway" she said I smiled I walked back to niall and suddenly i heard a noise I walked into Harry's dressing room and I saw reanne and Harry kissing a few weeks ago I put a bet on with zayn saying that harry and reanne would be dating within 24 hours of them meeting. I walked out again and I went to zayn dressing room I knocked "come in" he shouts I walk in and give him £10 "what this for?" he asked "well we made a bet didn't we?" I asked "NOOOOOO I KNEW SOMETHING WAS GOING ON BETWEEN THOSE TWO!" zayn said like a little kid "well luckily I took a photo we could get as many Starbucks and Costa coffee as we like out of this" I said smirking zayn high 5-ived me.


We all walked back onto the bus we was all sat there apart from Liam he was take the piss so Emily got up and walked off the bus she went to get Liam when I heard "WHY THE HELL DID YOU DO THAT TO ME?" it was Emily shouting at Liam "come on niall let's go and get them" reanne says I run off the bus with reanne and the rest of them following me i try to get in Liam's dressing room but the door won't move "WHAT THE HELL DID I EVER DO TO YOU?" Emily shouts "CHOOSE NIALL OVER ME THATS WHAT" Liam's shouts reanne try's to open the door my it won't open we hear someone fall to the floor and we don't know who it is reanne kicks the door open and we see Emily on the floor and Liam just standing there smirking Emily gets up and punches Liam again I run to grab Emily and reanne grabs Liam suddenly Liam pushes reanne to the floor and Harry goes to her side Louis and zayn tackle Liam to the floor Emily is in tears reanne doesn't really look hurt but Harry looks like he is about to cry.

Louis and zayn drag Liam onto the bus and put him on his bed and tape him down and me and Emily go into her room reanne and Harry are in the sitting area and Louis and zayn are watching Liam me and Emily start talking "what am I going to do niall that picture is on for the whole world to see and I was never in it for the money" she said "I know Emily I know" I said

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