chapter six

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Chapter 6

I am sitting on the couch. I am not laughing or gossiping. I am waiting to be questioned. Apparently when two of your friends die in a period of 5 weeks, the police get suspicious. Maya is in the kitchen, being questioned right this minute. I can just barely hear their voices. Unfortunately I have no comprehension of their conversation.

Suddenly, Maya walks out of the the room. She looks distraught. Her eyes are watering. I think she cried in there. The young cop is smiling. It is not a sympathetic smile though. What did he do to Maya?

"It's your turn." he says with a smirk across his face.

The kitchen has never seemed so eerie. The warm smell of pizza is now gone. The soft sounds of the radio isn't there. The curtains are closed. I can't see the relaxing night sky. I try to shuffle in my seat so I can peer through the window. But I can't avoid his knowing glare.

"My name is officer Sewell. If you're wondering, there is no escaping. You are in this room until I let you go." he remarks with a suspicious twinkle in his sapphire blue eyes. I don't know what he's thinking but, it can't be good.

"Shall we begin?" I ask impatiently. I don't want to waste my time with this guy, even if he is a police officer.

"Let's start with the night Spencer disappeared," he replies "What were you doing just before she disappeared?" It's an innocent question, there is no reason to lie.

"Well, it was girls' night. We were gossiping, doing manicures, watching a movie_"

"I know that. What were you doing?" he interrupts loudly, slamming his hands on the table. I flinch and almost fall off my chair.

"I was studying,"

"Yes, yes, yes, you are a straight A student. You always work hard. All work no play. But, according to your recent marks, you are not doing so well." He slides a file over towards me. I look at its contents. Inside is my geography test. I got a D. Also, there is a sheet of paper with my averages. I am failing everything. My marks started dropping the night Spencer disappeared.

"So what are you saying?" I am puzzled. Is he accusing me of something? I did nothing. I did not murder anyone.

"I am saying! Are you the one who drugged Spencer!" He yells. I notice that he is flustered. He is not as confident as I thought. Then I realize what he just said.

"Was Spencer drugged? Did that contribute to her death?" I question him. He isn't in my face anymore, I'm in his.

He sighs. "Spencer was given a high amount of morphine with a mixture of alcohol. The marks and bruises on her body indicated it was forced. She did not willfully_"

He is interrupted by my mom and Mrs. Welsh (Maya's mom), followed by Mr. Welsh (Maya's dad). They burst in the room.

"You cannot question these kids without the presence of a parent," announces Mrs. Welsh angrily. My mom comes and hugs me. She leads me into the living room.

"How'd you find out?" I ask. Our phones were taken away from us. The police claim it was security purposes. I think that they just didn't want us to talk to each other.

"Maya called us after calling the police. Mr. and Mrs. SteShe told me everything. I tried to be here sooner, but I was out of town and got stuck in traffic." She starts crying.

"Mom, don't worry. I'm okay. All in one piece."

"But it could've been you,"

"But it wasn't" I say. At least, not yet. I hug my mom. She slowly strokes my hair. I cry on her shoulder. I feel so safe. A temporary feeling of safety. I have no fear. Mommy's little girl will be okay.

All of a sudden, Officer Sewell runs out the door. Two other officers follow. I have no idea what could be happening. First, they are questioning me, then they are running like it's an emergency. Mr. And Mrs. Welsh look flustered. Seriously! What happened in there? Everyone is freaking out.

My mom approaches Mrs. Welsh. She gives her a warm hug before asking her anything. But my mom never gets the chance.

"They found her body," she says solemnly. I know who she is, but it's not Spencer, it's Sara. She has the same expression as my mom, when they found Spencer's body. Her face looks sympathetic but what's new is the worried factor. She is sensing what Maya and I are. We're next.

I am so scared. Sara is dead. Just like Spencer. Sara is not coming back. I won't get to see her smiling face ever again. And to think, her last words were "It's just the mail." The worst thing was that it wasn't the mail. It was a murderer waiting for their next victim.

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