Chapter 2

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After finishing all my morning duties like i always do, i quickly took a bath. Because i finished early today, i decided to return drew's clothes because i feel guilty keeping them since he technically borrowed them to me.

I was walking down the road and thinking about my life like i always do. It was just months left before i'm done with last year of high school and i've decided to move on, get on with my life and forget i ever lived in new orleans. There was nothing left for me here except for pain and sad memories, memories of my weakness and i want to bury them deep down where even i could not access it but i can't do it, not if i'm still where the memories originated. Drew was the closest thing i had to a freind in all my life. Having a family was out of the question.

Before i knew it, i was standing in front of drews trailer. I knocked but there was no response. Where could he have gone? i wondered. It was just 7:00 in the morning.

I knocked again but there was still no response so i decied to check around. To my surprise, drew was at the back of the trailer practicing what seemed like kungfu.

Wow! I thought, his kungfu skills were amazing. He was wearing a pair of headsets so i just decided to use the moment to watch. The regular defence class we took was nothing compared to this. I was lost just watching him flex his arms and legs. His complete 6 packs and arm muscles were bulging from his T-shirt, it was mesmerizing. I stood there and watched untill he made his final move and stopped.

He turned around and looked at me with a mixed expression. Suprise? i couldn't really place it.

"i dont know, should i sue you for tresspassing or for oogling without permission?" He said taking a bottle of water.

"I'm sorry.........i uhm....its just that i wanted to return these" i said holding out the neatly folded sweat set i was holding "and i didn't want to interrupt".

"Oh, its okay it's fine, i was just kidding" he walked closer "you can keep it"

"Are you sure because it looks....."

"kahlan" he interrupted "its fine you can keep it"

I sighed "Thank you"

"your'e always welcome m'lady. Why don't i fix you some breakfast?"

"no its fine i was actually on my way to school" i said a little bit shy.

"Okay, if you insist" We both paused. I was looking at the ground so i dont know what he was looking at.

"okay bye drew" i finally said and started walking but then i remembered something and quickly turned around "uhm.. drew?".

"Yeah?" He answered.

"your kungfu skills are great"

He smiled and said "thanks, though am not sure great is the word for it."

"belive me it is" i said and started walking.


I entered the school premises and saw that it was empty. I slowly entered, dropped my bag inside my locker and picked some books. Just then, i heard car honks which signals the arrival of other students, probably damon and his crew or maybe even britney and her chipmonks, thats what i usually call them in my head.

I hurriedly went to class and ignored them. Soon enough, Mr Mckenzy, our history teacher came in and started this boring topic about how the Moon Stone pack defeated the White Ash pack and got hold of the seven stones. Like who even cares about what happened to the ancestors that passed away?

While he went on and on with his story, my mind wandered as usual but this time, i wasn't thinking about my pain. You see, normally before i met drew, i would always think of my sufferings and how i wished i had a family or even to which country i would go when i leave new orleans but since i've met him, i happen to think about him alot. I drifted to the thought of how i saw him practice kungfu, he really looked like he knows it well. Perhaps i could ask him to teach me too? I think he would agree.

"Miss Kahlan Monroe?" Oh shoot!! This was one of those moments where a teacher catches you doing something in his class and then he'll ask a question which he knows you can't answer, then you get detained for it.

"Y..yes sir"

"What is the name of the first man that stepped into White Ash pack during the battle?".

Seriously? How am i supposed to answer that question? "uhm.........."

"Just as i thought. 3 hours after school, goodday class"

I rolled my eyes and slumped my head on the desk. The rest of the classes went by as a blur and soon, it was lunch time.

I went inside the cafteria and collected food. I looked around and saw everyone sitting with his friends. There was damon and his crew, britney and her chipmunks, the group of the genius students and etc. I found a quite corner and decided to sit down there. While i was eating and looking at something on my phone, caleb came over and sat down close to me and i was suprised it wasn't cole this time.

I instnctively moved away. "Oh come on kitten, are you afraid of me? am i a big bad wolf? " He was drawing more and more atrention to us and i didn't like it.

"You know your'e supposed to get punished for letting me carry my bag today but you know what? am gonna let it slide. There is a pool party at my house this night,i want you to be there"

"B..b..but i have work to do. Tom said....."

"Tom wiill give you the night off. Isn't that right tom?" He interrupted

I looked up and saw tom in the midst of other students and he just nodded.

Caleb leaned closer and whispered "wear something sexy" My eyeballs instantly bulged out in horror. He laughed and winked.

"Come on guys" he signaled to the rest and they followed him.

All this while, damon has been watching us closely and did not utter a word. No one had to tell me this was going to end in tears.


     With loads of love, ladeeykay.

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