25: No More Secrets

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It was after dinner. Charlotte was getting ready to leave, I had just turned on the television by accident.

"Oh, shoot," I scowled as the news popped on, Vicki Vale's youthful face had a very grim expression, a strand of her hair came loose from its ponytail and fell in front of her face as her cherry-colored lips started to move.

"Gotham City Police have started to gain some legitimate leads on The Joker after he blew up a children's hospital in Downtown Gotham. Luckily, the police had gotten a tip beforehand and The Batman was able to help GCPD usher all the children out before the attack. Rumor has it Joker never intended to kill all of these innocent children, he just wanted to 'make a point.' What is that point, you ask? Well, sources say—"

I turned the television back off, turning to look at Joker whose eyes didn't meet mine. He watched as Charlotte inhaled sharply, shaking her head. "I'm glad we have Superman to protect us in Metropolis, because I don't think he'd let a man like that leave us in fear."

I hesitated, pursing my lips, looking at Joker's eyes flash from unfazed to triumphant, he turned to look at the door, grabbing Charlotte's coat and handing it to her. "That Joker is a scary guy."

I smiled. "See you tomorrow," I said to her as I hugged her before she walked out of the door and to her car. Tomorrow was her last day here, so I was going to spend morning till afternoon with her, before she had to make the drive back to Metropolis. I turned to Joker and kissed him. "C'mon, let's go get ready. I have to meet my nurses."

"You're going to need to scare them into listening, they seem defiant," he spoke. "Of course they weren't towards me, I'd skewer them like kabobs!" he snickered before he looked at my outfit. He smiled.

"What?" I questioned.

"That's what you were wearing the day we met." He pointed out.

I grinned. "Aaw, you're such a ham," I spoke as he stuck his tongue out at me before heading to his room to apply his face paint. I smiled and sat at the front door in the living room, opening my phone to check any messages I had before I followed him to put my outfit on as well.

There was a knock at the door. It was Charlotte. "Hey," she grinned. "I forgot my cellphone." She closed the door behind her and started to walk to the dining room table when she stopped, dropping her purse on the floor before screaming.

I jumped about a foot in the air before I turned to see what she was screaming at.

Joker was standing at the top of the stairs in his purple suit and face makeup, his green, dyed hair illuminated beneath the light. "Oh my god, oh my god where's Joe?!" she screamed. "Oh my god, Joker broke in and killed him, come on, let's go, we have to get to safety—"

"Charlotte, stop," I spoke, I felt the tears start to brim my eyes. "That's him. The real him."

She looked at me with heartbroken eyes. "Oh, no. . ."

I nodded, I held my hand out for The Joker who had already walked down the stairs. He took my hand, flashing his signature smolder at her before he grinned. "Ha. . .ha. . . ha. . . Why so serious?"

She shivered. I sighed and took her hands. "Let me tell you . . . Everything."

She nodded silently, her eyes locked on mine. "I trust you."

Cruel (A Joker Story) [UNDER REVISION]Where stories live. Discover now