Let me introduce myself

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Hi there anyone who is reading this.

This is my first ever story on Wattpad. I have read a variety of stories and they made me feel as though I was the character, I hope I can do the same. A little bit of information about me... I'm Australian, I love pizza and I absolutely love playing netball, touch football and I swim. My favourite tv shows to watch are Ellen, Friends and Gilmore girls (team Jesse!). Depending on how my short story goes, I might make it more as an actually story, like a series. From when Grace and Sam meet to the very end, every single detail. I would love to get to know any of my readers. Please leave comments, votes and if you think my story is worth a share then please feel free to do so. I don't have any followers (Tear). Also to anyone who hasn't already read the book Shatter by Wowchilee please read it!!!

My girl -- Short StoryDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora