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"Great Christmas vacation the one holiday I hate" I whisper to myself as I pack my bag ready to move to LA. I hated the Christmas holidays because I felt as though everyone around me was so happy and then there was me, a lonely, depressed,socially awkward 18 year old who was about to make dreams come true but still all I felt was sadness.

"GRACE DINNER" my mum yells from down stairs I zip my bag up and turn around to face the mirror on the back of my door and take in my appearance my hair in a messy bun it hadn't been washed in 3 days, I had a jumper that looked like a dress on me and the sleeves where rolled up I looked at my arms the scars from cutting  few weeks ago where still visible I pulled my sleeves down so my mum can't see the cuts and I run down the stairs ready to eat the last meal I'll have with my family for a while.

I sit down at the table and eat my dinner, me and my family have small talk and when I finish I run back up stairs and double check I have everything I need. I look my phone it's 9:00pm and my flight leaves at 4 I want to try and stay wake on my flight so I decide to have an early night i set my alarm for 3:00am and get into bed.


I wake up and open my blinds it's pitch black with the occasional car light shining through the window. I have a shower and put my hair in to a messy bun. I throw on a sweater and leggings and take my bag down stairs. I walk to the kitchen and my mum is there waiting with my coffee.

"You almost ready" My mum asks as I take a sip of my coffee
"I've never been more ready in my life" I say.

I stand up and take my cup to the bench I walk to the door and look back at my house all my childhood memories flooding back I turn and walk out the door my mum following.


I kiss my mum goodbye and walk into the airport I look straight in front of my and see a boy his hair brown and he's fairly attractive, he carried a camera and he realised I was staring straight at him, He smiled and looked away and started to talk to his friend. I felt my self turning bright red with embarrassment. I go and put my bag away and go to Starbucks I order a coffee and get my phone out.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2016 ⏰

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