Chapter 6

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All eyes shot towards the stairs. I didn't realize how long they were, yet they were probably the largest set we've came across. At the very top, the nurse from the infirmary and the principal were talking in soft voices. It quickly became violent because he ended up becoming aggressive, trying to force himself on her. She pushed back, begging him to stop. He grabbed her arms and down the stairs she flew; landing right in front of me, Trevor, and Sam. Her neck was bent at an awful angle, blood pooling out of her mouth. We glanced back up the stairs and saw the principal, mouth agape, crying at what he'd done. 

I can't see who he turned to look at but he turned and says, "oh my. I really wish you wouldn't have seen that." And takes off. I tap Sam's chest and we bounce up the steps after him. At the top, we see him turn a corner. Closely on his heels, we catch him backing a little girl with long dark hair into a corner. She's cowering, crying silently. 

"Hey! KNOCK IT OFF!" I scream, but Sam placed his hand on my chest.

"" The principal reached down, grabbed the girl by the throat and lifted her into the air. As soon as she's up there, I notice it. The little red dress. It's Sachiko Shinozaki. He's choking the life out of her, with tears running down his face.

"I'm so sorry. It has to be this way." He closed his eyes, not loosening his grip the slightest. Her body falls to the floor with a sickening thud. I feel my gut clenching. The principal hides her body in his office closet, in a hole under the floorboards. Time speeds up, and we watched him dig her back up several  times, just to stab her, and take her tongue. Apparently, she had been haunting him..he was afraid she'd snitch on him. But why repeatedly stab her? She was already a rotting corpse.. After that the apparition disappeared.  

"The more we learn, the more I know why this school is so fucked up." Yoshiki growls. 

I wiped my face with my hands again, "let's keep looking. I feel like that's just the beginning."

Naomi nodded, "yes! I believe that little girl is involved in the four gruesome murders that happened shortly after." 

Trevor looked back at her, "I'm with her. I definitely get the creeps from Sachiko." 

"She was murdered after watching her own mother get killed. Wouldn't you be a bit screwy?" Sam huffed. My little demon blood drinking brother, of course he gets defensive over wronged and vengeful spirits. He's a hunter, but he's also been part of the hunted. 

I waved my hand, "let's just keep tracking. Since we also have tongues to friggen find." 
I led them into the principal's office. I figured if we were to find anything of interest, besides Sachiko's dead, rotting corpse; it'd be in there. A corpse is definitely what we found. We salted and burned the remains, but nothing happened. The school didn't even shake. I shrugged on cue with Sam, but kept searching. Trevor noticed a loose floorboard in the corner behind the old principal's desk. 

"I hope it's something good." I crossed my arms.

He pulls out a journal, "I think it was his." We scooted in closer behind him, reading over his shoulder. 

"Oh, yeah, he definitely is the reason her spirit snapped. He went on pretending everything was fine." Sam stopped reading to pace the room, "we have to find those tongues. And try to put Sachiko to rest, Dean."

I glared at him from across the room, "what do you think we're here doing, Sammy? Having a slumber party?!" 

"Guys, shut up. Listen. 'Today, there were some awful murders. A teacher, no less. I can't imagine what the parents are going through. Now we have to shut the school down. They said they were going to tear it down, but I fear there is no something evil living here. Evil living here before the murders...I fear I might've caused it. A curse on this school that only truth can fix. Yet, I cannot let this ruin my career. They are dead, but I...I am still alive. I can hear her talking to me. Yes. I have to cut off her tongue.' I think he cut her tongue out...that would explain the tongue thing altogether." 

Lost In Trev-lation; A Supernatural TaleOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz