Chapter 6: Merging

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"You're kidding me right? You're telling me that you didn't know that you could merge with items? And here I thought you would be a good addition to the team." Says Jamey disappointed with Liam. "The clue is in the name, Mergers. What's not to understand?"
"I'm sorry alright, I thought the merge part meant, well. You know, be one with the computer. I didn't know you could literally be one with the computer. I mean, how was I supposed to know that if I tried hard enough I could merge my arm with a gun?" Says Liam trying to convince himself he was correct.
"Well then, looks like we've got a lot of training to do." Says Jamey. He walks toward a small oval table picking up a small gun with his right hand. Within a matter of seconds his hand began to blur and as soon as Liam blinked Jamey's hand was now a gun. The gun had physically merged with Jamey's hand leaving behind his arm with a barrel attached to the end. "I am the terminator." Says Jamey in a robotic voice grinning at Liam.
"Okay, if you can do it, I bet I can." Says Liam confidently.
"First you should merge with something a little simpler, oh and also you can merge on any part of your body. I have a good one, you see this sheet of metal?" Says Jamey pointing towards a thin sheet of steel. "Merge with that to make your arm metal, you just have to focus on becoming metal whilst holding it and boom, you're metal, okay."
"Right, it'll be fine..." Says Liam comforting himself. He picked up the steel, it was much lighter than he had expected. He closed his eyes and thought of the metal in his hands. He then thought of his arm and slowly put the two things together. His skin began to tingle and his hand felt like jelly, he felt the cold sheet of metal fade and soon enough he was holding nothing. He opened his eyes to see his arms looking completely normal other than the fact they were completely made of metal. The metal started at his finger tips and went up his arm to his shoulder where it faded back to skin. "Wow... That's incredible, it's completely merged with my arm. What next!" Says Liam in a childish way.
"Hmm lets see..." Says Jamey.

After a few hours of finding things to merge with Jamey was satisfied Liam was ready. Jamey says "Training starts tomorrow, for the mission of course. They'll be putting you through a hell of lot more than what we just did. Get some rest and in the morning they'll see whether you are worthy... Of joining our cool ass team!"

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