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We all have them
Sometimes they are on our arms, legs, maybe on our stomach.
But those are not the worst scars you can get.
No it's the scars on your heart that hurt the most.

These scars like all others can be short, long, big, or small. They hurt a lot, and they can sting in this worst way possible.
But there are differences between these scars. Instead of leaking blood, they leak sadness, anger, fear, and memories. Each one is different.
But the worst thing is that you can't see them. You don't know if they are there or not, but you know that it hurts.

All of us have scars on our hearts, and you know it.
It doesn't mean that you were trying to hurt your self
It just means you survived.

Scars just show that you had a wound bad enough to leave a mark, and even if that wound hurt then, or hurts now, you survived. Those marks just say you survived, and you should be proud of that.

So even if you have scars that hurt just know that everyone has one too. It may not hurt more than yours, but they are there. You are not alone.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2016 ⏰

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