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melissa and jayce

⠀⠀you know those ice breakers you do in school where you have to come up with a word or phrase to describe yourself?

⠀⠀mine was always 'third wheel'

⠀⠀people would always laugh as if I were kidding. I was dead serious.

⠀⠀my best friend Claire and her boyfriend Mark where basically my only two friends. I'm pretty sure you can infer the rest.

⠀⠀my life consisted of watching chick flicks with them— single. Going skating together— single. Eating out at restaurants— single. I'm fairly certain that by now you understand what a miserable single life I live.

⠀⠀my last boyfriend was John in the third grade (he ended up dumping me for Claire) (tragic, I know). So yeah, that's me. Miserable Melissa as they call me. Just kidding I made that name up for myself.

⠀⠀"Mel! Come with us to the carnival, it's only in town for the weekend and we have to go since it only comes around once a year!!"

⠀⠀I put down the magazine I wasn't even reading and give her my classic look of 'I'm so not having this'.

⠀⠀"don't give me that look mel. I hate your look."

⠀⠀I gasp.

⠀⠀"I do not have a look !"

⠀⠀she rolls her eyes and throws me a summery dress.

⠀⠀"just stop whining and put that on. You're coming."

⠀⠀I sigh deeply and excessively to emphasize my disinterest in going to the carnival with her and Mike. I reluctantly get off my comfortable spot on the bed and decide just to go with it. Maybe I can bribe her into buying me some cotton candy later. I love cotton candy.

⠀⠀"Be ready in fifteen! Mikes on his way"

⠀⠀I roll my eyes. Leave it to Claire to give me absolutely no time whatsoever to get ready. Typical.

⠀⠀After a mini speech about me needing to look 'super hot' she finally leaves her room, closing the door behind her.

⠀⠀I put on the dress and look in the mirror. It surprisingly wasn't completely horrific. It was a soft pink floral dress that was off the shoulder and flowy. It was actually quite cute but there's no way I'm telling Claire that or I'd never hear the end of it.

⠀⠀I slip on my all white converse and head to the bathroom to do my makeup. I kept it simple because I really couldn't be bothered to give more of an effort. Mascara, eyeliner and my favourite matte pink lipstick will have to do.

⠀⠀Just as I'm making my way downstairs, I hear the door open and Mike walks in. Claire runs over and gives him a hug right before kissing him. I hold myself back from making a snarky comment. I've gotten use to this by now, very unfortunate to say the least that this was my norm.

⠀⠀Claire was wearing a pair of high waisted denim shorts and a cropped blue halter top. Mike had on a simple white tee and dark jeans, I swear that kid didn't own any other clothes.

⠀⠀"Hey babe. You look really good, ready to go?"

⠀⠀Claire slips on her black vans and slings her small purse over her shoulder.

⠀⠀"Of course! Doesn't Melissa look so hot, I'm going to try and get her a date tonight!"

⠀⠀The way she says it, I already know she has something up her sleeve. And when Claire makes mischievous plans, they are never good.

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