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Your POV again ^^

The feeling of warmth overtook you as you began to stir from your sleep. You were just so comfortable, and you didn't want to move. You remembered falling  asleep on Kid last night, but you didnt know how you ended up in his lap, or using his jacket as a blanket. But you didnt really mind. Kid's cinnamon smell filled your nose, and you absolutely loved it. You rolled over to face the boy you were sleeping on, and saw Kid sleeping using  his hands to prop himself up. He was snoring ever so slightly. You found yourself thinking how cute his little snores were.
  You lye there, awake, for about ten minuets before you lift your head and scoot yourself over to sit next to Death The Kid. Your sudden absence on his body must have startled him.
  Kid's eyes shot open and he let out a little gasp. Then he saw you sitting next to him, with his jacket wrapped around your shoulders. He smiled at you(a very sweet smile) and said,
"Good morning Y/N. How did you sleep?"
"Well the honest answer, is very well, thank you. How did you sleep Kid?"
"Well the honest answer is terrible."
He laughed and so did you. But you needed to cut the small talk, and ask Kid something very important...
"What time is it? I need to get ready for school!"
To be fair you were already at school(on the roof anyway..) but you probably smelled like trash, and looked like it too. Kid shrugged and rolled up his sleeve to reveal a skull watch on his wrist. Kid frowned when he saw the time.
"Well ummm, school started a few hours ago." realisation hit him like a
" Oh god! Liz and Patty must be worried sick! We never came home! They probably think I kidnapped you or something!"
Well he kinda did..?
"Well you better take me home so we can still catch some school..."
Kid sat there lost in thought. Whenever he was in deep thought he would squint his eyes, bite his lip and rub his head(only when he is thinking reeeaaally hard about something.)
Finally he nodded to show he had found a solution.
He abruptly stood up, summoned Beezlebub, and beckoned you over to him. Then, you both descended from the roof and hopped off the skateboard, and stood at the entrance of the academy.
"Wait here Y/N"
And with that, Kid hopped back on Beezlebub and left you standing there confused. He came back moments later and looked really muddy and dirty. Then he came over to you with a devilish smile and trapped you in a hug, making you all dirty too.

Kids POV
So here's the plan! If we come running into my fathers room all muddy and dirty looking, and tell him we just fought a Kishan, then he will probably give us the day off! I hate lying to my father... And doing something so low and dirty just to get out of school for a day, but I really just want Y/N to spend the day with me. I want to figure out whats been troubling her.

Your POV

"What the heck Kid?!?"
You tried to escape his grasp but he was too strong. He then, grabbed you by the shoulder, so you couldn't move. Next thing you know he has his hands on your face, and is rubbing dirt all over it!
"Im sorry Y/N" he said while laughing a little.
"What?! No your not! What the heck was that for!" you hit him in the shoulder. He stands there rubbing his shoulder.
"Ow! No I deserved that. Look I have a plan ok? Just go with it. Will you trust me?"
There he goes again asking for your trust. How long will it take for him to realise that there was, and never will be a moment where you dont trust him.
You nod in response to his dumb question.
"Good. Then, come on." he holds his hand out to you, and you grab it. Then he starts leading the way to the academy. But, then he started running, pulling you along with him. It was like he was going as fast as he could! You tried to keep up with him but you couldn't. He was just so much faster than you! You tried to let go of his hand so you could run at your own pace, but his grip on you was so tight. You ended up tripping, and smacking your head against the ground.  Then you went under.(as in, you blacked out)

HEY AUTHOR~CHAN HERE!!! What do you guys want to see more of in this story??? Bonding with Soul? Maka? Kyoko and Sayaka? Tell meh I wanna know ^^

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