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File from US Pentagon
Current Property of the Society
Year: 2965
Subject: Evidence of Japan's SuperWeapon
   Ms.G has reported back to us from Japan and has released crucial inform action on Japan's possible "SuperWeapon." While President Wentworth has assured the the nation that the rumors of a weapon are merely that, rumors. But Ms.G has sent pictures of the weapon as well as files of what this weapon is capable of.
Japan's weapon is a small sphere that will fit in the palm of a child's hand. The files state that the one bomb has the ability of our current atom bomb. One of these weapons has the ability to destroy Northern America. Any survivor will die of the initial blast will die of radiation and have no memory of any event before the weapon was detonated. Evidence shows that some survivors will retain necessary memories(walking, language, etc.), but will have no recollection of their past lives.
Author's Note:
This is my first story on Wattpad so I hope you all like it. I would really appreciate comments and votes from you all. And if you are of Japanese descent, I hope you are not offended by the use of Japan in the making of a super weapon. This file is from centuries into the future and I wanted to have Japan as the world's super powered country. If this offends you then I am sorry and understand if you wish to not continue reading.
Thank you for reading Girl934, I hope you enjoy it and I think that's it. *Checks with imaginary support team* Yeah that's it.

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