A fight between the Demon and the Sins (Onikage's PoV)

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A/N: two quick things. One, I just realized I've been spelling Meliodas' name wrong. Sorry bout that. And two, I know I've been going into Onikage's PoV a lot lately, but this chapter has good reason. That reason you will find out once you start reading, so enjoy!

The Sins stood behind me, Kyle, and Meliodas. Almost everyone was there; Diane, Ban, Merlin, a guy with pink hair, a floating kid, a girl with long grey hair, and a... tiny pig? Okay, everything else seemed normal, except that. The six Si- wait. I turned to Meliodas.
"Who's the kid, the girl, the pig, and the pink-haired guy, number one. Number two, where's Escanor?" I asked. Escanor was the Sin of Pride, and it showed. He was constantly showing his stuff in battle. Oh yeah. I should probably explain everyone's sin; Meliodas is the Sin of Wrath, Diane is the Sin of Envy, Ban is the Sin of Greed, King was the Sin of Sloth, Merlin is the Sin of Gluttony, and Gowther was the Sin of Lust. Anyway, Meliodas turned to me.
"Oh, yeah. I forgot to introduce you guys to the others. The girl's Princess Elizabeth, the third princess of. , and the pig's hawk. Pink hair's Gowther, and the kid's King." My mind was nothing but question marks. That was what Gowther looked like?! Never in a million years would I have guessed that! And there was no way I was believing that kid was King. I turned back to them with a puzzled look on my face. Hmm... the kid did look a little like King, but Gowther looking like that? Not so much. I faced Dark Ash again, his blood red eyes glowing into mine. He muttered something in Japanese. It sounded like an ancient prophecy I'd heard once. I don't remember how to say it, only the original version that was in English; "The one with a broken soul and whose eyes are untrue, shall face the sin with eyes midnight blue. The boy shrouded by darkness shall find his light, and the untrue and midnight blue shall fight in the night." Why would he say that at a time like this? Was it a demon-possession thing or something? I don't know, but to be honest, I don't care. Kyle cracked his knuckles and tilted his head.
"O-o-oh. This'll be fun." He got into a fighting position and I drew my sword. Hikari ni an i is the demon/angelic sword. It's name translates to "dark to light", but I decided to call it dark-blade, and it seemed to like it. I got into my dueling stance and so did the rest of the Sins.
"Oh, so the Sins want to go up against the most powerful Holy Knight of the realm, now, do they?" Dark Ash laughed maniacally. "I'd like to see you try."
"Well then, we're about to please you." Ban stated as he got into a battle stance. Ban, King, and I struck first, but every time we tried to land a hit, they would bounce back at us. It went on like that for a half an hour, each of us trying to get through to Dark Ash but failing each time. Dark Ash seemed to be enjoying himself by seeing us fail, and I suddenly remembered something; Dark-blade had a secret power I could unlock whenever it was necessary, and I think that now would be as good a time as ever for it to be activated. I gripped the sword in front of my face while Meliodas, Kyle, and Dark Ash stared at me. Kyle and Meliodas knew what was happening, but Dark Ash seemed confused.
"What are you planning, Honorary Sin Onikage?" I closed my eyes and whispered, "ancient seal; unlocked." And my eyes snapped open. I flung Dark-blade into the air, caught it, and jabbed it forwards. In the reflection of the blade, I could see my eyes had changed from midnight blue to a blazing mix of mostly midnight blue and faded purple, and my left iris had changed into my animal Sin design.
"Howling Counterblade, activated. I am Onikage, the Wolf Sin of Instinct."
"Oh, so we're playing that game, now, are we? Fine, then the other one should activate his powers!" Dark Ash stated.
"Suit yourself." Kyle shrugged. He gripped his fists in front of him and in them appeared his scythe, Raifuteikā. He spun it around his back and planted the bottom of it into the ground.
"You wanted it? You got it! I'm Kyle, the panther Sin of courage, and you're goin' DOWN!"
And that's it for this chapter! P.S. I know that there aren't really Sins for the Panther or the Wolf, but I did say Kyle and Onikage were honorary Sins last chapter. Anyway, guys, sorry I haven't posted in forever. I've been busy with school and a play and being sick so I've barely found the time to write this chapter. But to make it up to you guys, I'm going to post two parts to this on Christmas Day. One will be a Christmas Part that won't take place when this stuff's happening, and the other part will be the next part to this chapter. An also, I'm posting the preview to my Twilight/Pokémon crossover and my Outsiders/Pokémon crossovers on New Years Eve, so be excited for those, and I'll see y'all on Christmas!

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